BWCA McAlpine Creek Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Quetico Forum
      McAlpine Creek     



08/16/2022 11:54AM  
Planning a Quetico trip for Aug. 30 - September 9. This trip would include paddling/lining McAlpine creek from McAlpine Lake to Kasakokwog and then again taking the creek from Kasakokwog to Quetico Lake. This would probably happen around Labor Day, Sept. 5. Does anyone know what the water levels are like in McAlpine creek now? Will I likely be able to paddle the creek or have to wade or line the creek? If I am going to have to wade or line a lot of the creek, I want to let my wife know. I see there is a lot of rain in the Atikokan weather forecast. So hopefully, we’ll be able to paddle the creek except for the two portages.
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distinguished member(1193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2022 07:16PM  
Went through the creek years ago (maybe 2010 or 2011) around Labor Day as well. I recall that summer was not particularly wet and had to line most of McAlpine Creek. Might want to check on other’s experience using the Search function up top. I was just up in Quetico about two weeks ago and water levels appeared to be approaching “normal”. Wish I had more current info for you. Have fun!

member (29)member
08/18/2022 02:59PM  
I did the section from Kasakokwog to Quetico last summer and had to walk alot of it. Very low water last year though. It was quite a slog I must say.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/19/2022 08:27AM  
The creek level not only depends on rainfall but also beaver activities. There is usually at least one dam. Best bet is to check with the park office and or Canoe Canada in Atikokan. --Goose
09/15/2022 04:26PM  
To answer my own question...

On Sept. 6, 2022 the water in McAlpine Creek between McAlpine and Kasakokwog lakes was deep, probably about 3 feet (1 m) on average.

On Sept. 7, 2022 the water in McAlpine Creek between Kasakokwog and Quetico lakes was much shallower. We were able to paddle about 80-85 percent of the creek. The rest we waded with the packs in the canoe.

There are, of course, beaver dams that need to be pulled over.

The rangers classified the water during this time as normal to a little higher than normal.

distinguished member(2020)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/15/2022 06:21PM  
Very nice photo....
11/05/2022 08:12AM  
I posted a trip report that includes these sections of McAlpine Creek.

2022 trip to northwest part of Quetico
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