BWCA Trip Report - McEwen Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Trip Report - McEwen     



10/27/2022 10:44AM  
New Trip Report posted by bobbernumber3

Trip Name: McEwen.

Entry Point: Quetico

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distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/27/2022 11:31AM  

I was just at that Hilton site back in August. You'll be happy to know that the big leaning tree that was there back in 2003 for you is still there when I visited.
10/27/2022 09:36PM  
Minnesotian: "
I was just at that Hilton site back in August. You'll be happy to know that the big leaning tree that was there back in 2003 for you is still there when I visited. "

Minnesotan - what was your route to McEwen? Researching that area for possible trip next July. We would enter through 73 then a portion of Falls Chain to Wet and then McEwen. Stay 3 nights on McEwen and day trips from there. Fishing is main goal. Looking at day trips south through McEwen Creek and possibly north out of McEwen to experience remaining falls. How was your recent trip in this area? Any suggested areas to visit/areas to avoid, etc… would be appreciated.

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