BWCA What do you dream about? Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      What do you dream about?     
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distinguished member (170)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/27/2022 10:10PM  
I make it to the BWCA a couple times each year. Since 2018, I often have a dream that involves my current campsite and my belief that there is a moose outside the tent. Not only that, it usually is circling the tent as if it were some land-based shark intent on hunting me down. I can usually see a silhouette of this bull moose as it is ominously circling me, and I have an overwhelming belief that it is imperative to remain quiet. Beyond that, variations occur where I am alone, or with a group. In the most recent version, an unknown partner in my tent refused to be quiet and I proceeded to kick him out of Boy Scouts due to endangerment of us all. It doesn't have to make sense - it is a dream! But the circling moose is always lurking whenever I make it back to the BWCA. :)

Honestly, you'd think I'm going to bed cowering in fear of moose! I feel quite at ease though, so I don't know why this keeps coming back to me.

So what do you all dream about in the BWCA? I'm sure a lot of you are sleeping better than me and not remembering your dreams, but maybe there are some other funny dreams out there!
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11/28/2022 10:21AM  
my dreams rarely take place in daylight, however, when i do dream that way i pay close attention cuz i think there is a message included.

one very vivid daylight dream happened after a tragic incident in my life.
i'm on a passenger train and the tracks are going over water that is littered with plastic bottles and small black trash bags. all of a sudden sitting next to me is the person who had died. we had a conversation but i couldn't remember what it was when i woke up. i looked out the window and see a huge wrought iron sign that the train is traveling under and it says MONUMENT PORTAGE. i turn back to the person and he was gone. i just remember feeling at peace.

but i was so sad when i woke up because i wanted to talk more and get answers.

that is the only dream i've ever had involving the bwca. even on canoe trips i don't dream about canoeing.
distinguished member (191)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/28/2022 11:54AM  
I'm a little jealous because I've never had a canoe camping or fishing or even a being out in nature sort of dream. My recurring ones are all in a building or airport as I'm trying to get home to improve my home or a place I used to work.

I've had three or four types of recurring dreams that according to the Sciencealert page I read today... correlate well with my life.

Childhood - Being chased and making it in the door just in time. Midlife - Not knowing what day or time it was or where I need to be. Now - Not being able to get home from here, and once I almost get to a place where the going would be easy walking, I suddenly realize I don't live there anymore and it's great and all but the path to where I live now is even more difficult to get to.
11/28/2022 02:58PM  
Don’t really dream much sleeping, but was an awesome daydreamer. Ask my parents and teachers... haha! I could sit in my dads workshop and look at his old canoe maps from early ‘50’s. It would be nearly twenty years before I realized I could make it happen. Once I started going the day dreaming turned into serious trip planning and I hardly looked back!!!
Mocha... that had to be quite a dream. Thanks for sharing.
11/28/2022 04:18PM  
I have had a few dreams of the bwca. Usually not great ones though. A terrible one was being way far in and having to portage a member out and leave the others behind. I have had a couple where I have gotten lost. And then my favorite type is it seems like I am awake with a group doing normal bwca things and then I wake up and do similar things with the actual group I am with lol.
distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/28/2022 11:32PM  
Faith Hill.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/29/2022 01:20AM  
4 sylibals.
2 words.

1st sylibal.
Something everyone drives everyday.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/29/2022 01:32AM  
2nd sylibal.
What Bob Marley might call another guy.
Second word.
1st sylibal.
4th letter of alphabet.
2nd sylibal.
19th letter of alphabet.

distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/29/2022 08:37AM  
I’ve had maybe a handful of deeply primal, wild nature dreams in my 30 years. My own definition of a deeply primal, wild dream is one that involves predators hunting me in a landscape that is uninhabited by humans. All of these dreams, maybe 6 or 8 at the very most, have occurred while I was sleeping in the wilderness. Sounds cliche but it’s true.
distinguished member (214)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/29/2022 10:29AM  
4 sylibals.
2 words.

1st sylibal.
Something everyone drives everyday.

yogi59weedr: "2nd sylibal.
What Bob Marley might call another guy.
Second word.
1st sylibal.
4th letter of alphabet.
2nd sylibal.
19th letter of alphabet.


You're dreaming about Carmen Diaz, yogi59weedr?
distinguished member (191)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/29/2022 12:11PM  
Oh I'm sorry, IN the BWCA?

I sleep like a rock on trips and take full advantage of the alarm clock's snooze button on planned layover days.
distinguished member(2661)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/29/2022 05:28PM  
That be her.
11/29/2022 07:01PM  
Years ago on an early spring Quetico trek, 9 days in to 11 without seeing a soul. I dreamt of a close friend who had died suddenly the previous winter. He was smiling and aglow. He said: "There's something I have to tell you. [long pause], that salad you used to make with marinated blue cheese and pickled beets; I think that was about the best thing I ever ate."

My peek across the great unknown.
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/30/2022 06:33AM  
Banksiana: "Years ago on an early spring Quetico trek, 9 days in to 11 without seeing a soul. I dreamt of a close friend who had died suddenly the previous winter. He was smiling and aglow. He said: "There's something I have to tell you. [long pause], that salad you used to make with marinated blue cheese and pickled beets; I think that was about the best thing I ever ate."

My peek across the great unknown."

This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Banksiana. For a long, long time after my brother passed, he would visit my dreams. We would never speak and never embrace, but we were always smiling and happy. One night, maybe a year ago, he visited my dream and we actually spoke. I woke up so refreshed with a truly different attitude on life.
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