BWCA Access to and fishing lakers on Snowbank Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Access to and fishing lakers on Snowbank     
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member (45)member
01/04/2023 10:04AM  
Can somebody tell me the best way to access Snowbank for laker ice fishing? I'll be hauling a snowmobile trailer with sleds. I'm not sure what the BWCA entry point looks like in the winter or if it's even typically plowed. Obviously I'll need space to park and turn around with a trailer.

And... if you're in a giving mood (it's the giving season), any info on laker fishing would be awesome. I've never fished this lake. I do know I need to stay on the non-BWCA side. Was just going to look for a steep drop, but there are lots to choose from. Going to jig large tube jigs, airplane jigs and spoons. Will probably just watch the Vexilar for action to figure out what depth they're at and punch a lot of holes.

Thanks much.
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distinguished member (467)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2023 01:51PM  
It's been a few years but last I went the road was plowed to the access. There are typically markers across the lake in the ice marking the boundary. I Think you have a good plan with drilling holes at different depths to track them down. It's basically the approach I take anytime I'm looking for lakers.
distinguished member(5740)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/05/2023 05:09PM  
The road in is plowed up to the lake, there is a big berm of snow right at the lake so you can't drive a vehicle on. However, easy access for snowmobile and there is a large enough area kept plowed for parking and turning around.

(I was there Monday)There is a marked trail all the way to the Parent Lake portage. I also snowshoed in some other areas and most of the snow has blown off the lake (at least near the access) only a thin layer of crusty snow which makes for very easy travel. I have encountered a few pockets of slush but, none have been particularly troublesome as my snowshoes provided enough support to 'float' over them. (There was only an inch or two of water.) I've seen snowmobiles, people and trails in other areas I haven't explored so I'd bet travel is currently pretty optimal all around the non-bwca section of the lake.
member (45)member
01/06/2023 08:40AM  
Is Snowbank pretty busy on opener? It's not my primary lake. I'm fishing others in the area and plan to pull up lines around noon. So, I'd be heading over there early afternoon to continue fishing. I've seen other parking lots that are a nightmare on opener...but at least provide a "loop" so one can drive thru with a trailer and just continue to leave if there are no spots. Just thinking ahead about a possible full lot and needing to back up.
distinguished member(5740)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/06/2023 09:50AM  
There was not a plowed loop.

Can't say how busy it will be on any given day.
distinguished member (174)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2023 02:54PM  
I’m guessing that the public access might be busy this year. I heard Snowbamk Lodge isn’t going to plow a road this year. This could bring more people to the public access.
distinguished member(5740)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/14/2023 06:41PM  
UPDATE: There is now a plowed loop at the Snowbank landing. It was quite busy today.
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