BWCA Barrel Harness Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Barrel Harness     



04/01/2023 07:41AM  
Looking to buy a second barrel harness. I currently have the Level Six Bad Hass barrel and that seems OK but hoping for something a bit more comfortable to haul a heavy 60l barrel over longer distances. The level six is a great harness but it just doesn't seem to fit me as perfectly as I'd like on the 60l barrel. I'm going to use it on my 30l barrel from now on and looking to try something new for the 60l barrel.

Seems like I can get a Granite Gear Flatbed or a Recreational Barrel Works Expedition for about the same price (just over $100) right now.

Other ideas would be the Ostrom Voyageur or the CCS Barrel Pack. I like that the CCS would work as a regular pack as well, but wonder about comfort and a universal fit?

It seems like the Ostrom has a really great reputation, but I believe the Recreational Barrel Works pack is actually based on the Ostrom and they had collaborated with Bill Ostrom at one point? Wondering how they compare...
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distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2023 08:48AM  
I had the CCS harness for the 30 liter and it was very comfortable. I liked having the external compartments for misc. things. Instead of a 60 liter have you ever considered two 30's instead to break up the weight and bulk? It seems like a 60 would be difficult no matter how comfortable the harness is because of the weight being so far from your core.
distinguished member (420)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2023 09:27AM  
I have a North 49, 60L barrel harness. I have found it as comfortable as a barrel harness can be. The hip belt is welcome to help distribute the weight. It has a lot of fabric, so is on the heavier side, but the also help distribute the food weight to the harness.

I have used it for years and it has had no failures or issues.
04/01/2023 10:16AM  
Northwoodsman: "I had the CCS harness for the 30 liter and it was very comfortable. I liked having the external compartments for misc. things. Instead of a 60 liter have you ever considered two 30's instead to break up the weight and bulk? It seems like a 60 would be difficult no matter how comfortable the harness is because of the weight being so far from your core."

I have been considering this as well. Maybe I'm asking too much for a fully loaded 60l to be comfortable over a longer distance. I'm relatively new to the blue barrel scene so maybe those with more experience can enlighten me as to whether or not that's the case.
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2023 11:11AM  
keth0601: "
Northwoodsman: "I had the CCS harness for the 30 liter and it was very comfortable. I liked having the external compartments for misc. things. Instead of a 60 liter have you ever considered two 30's instead to break up the weight and bulk? It seems like a 60 would be difficult no matter how comfortable the harness is because of the weight being so far from your core."

I have been considering this as well. Maybe I'm asking too much for a fully loaded 60l to be comfortable over a longer distance. I'm relatively new to the blue barrel scene so maybe those with more experience can enlighten me as to whether or not that's the case."

Not that I'm all that experienced with the 60l barrels (three trips, I think, with about 50 miles of portaging total) and it simply isn't comfortable. It's a heavy load in an awkward shape. I've used the Level 6 twice and the granite gear once and they are about the same, in my opinion, as far as comfort and ease go.

It does get easier the longer you are on your trip so I advise extending your trip!
04/01/2023 12:22PM  
The CCS 60 liter/barrel is my go-to pack for water tight, crush proof and non-collapsing gear. The pockets on the sides hold my Nalgene bottles and top pocket a wide assortment of items. It is comfortable on my back and fits my solo boat exceptionally well. Rather bulletproof imho.
senior member (64)senior membersenior member
04/01/2023 08:29PM  
I have the RBW harness. It works. The torso is kinda short, at least for me. I fit a medium torso in a hiking pack. The hip belt on the harness rides pretty high, uncomfortably so for me I'm afraid. I'll be tripping with a tall guy in June - it's going to fit him like a bra.

It can accomodate 30 or 60l barrels. It's contoured to your back. What I like about it is the tumpline. I wish all my packs had them. Those new RBW packs and their tumplines are looking pretty nice...

distinguished member(3449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2023 08:49PM  
Happy with the CCS Barrel Pack, and I like the pocket on top. (I don’t have the one with side pockets). Comfortable and well made.
04/02/2023 06:31AM  
I previously purchased the North Water harness and in my opinion it sucks for heavy loads such as a fully-loaded food barrel. I recently purchased the Recreational Barrel Works harness and it's much better. The RBW harness can fit both the 30L and 60L barrels by changing the position of two of the harness straps.

I considered the other offerings out there and discarded all of them for one reason or another.
04/04/2023 01:27PM  
I have the Ostrom harness, and it looks identical to the rec. barrel works harness. I've had it for 10-15 years and love it. One of the most comfortable packs I have.
distinguished member(538)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/04/2023 04:45PM  
Portage North also makes an adjustable one to fit 30 and 60 barrels and to carry comfortably and it's made in Ely.
senior member (77)senior membersenior member
04/09/2023 01:55PM  
For how many paddlers / length of time does one need a 60L barrel? I am scheming a one month solo trip to Woodland Caribou - trying to squeeze one day of food per liter essentially and go with a 30L barrel - but it seems many are going larger. Would love to hear experiences of others...
distinguished member(1445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/09/2023 02:17PM  
NikonF5user: "For how many paddlers / length of time does one need a 60L barrel? I am scheming a one month solo trip to Woodland Caribou - trying to squeeze one day of food per liter essentially and go with a 30L barrel - but it seems many are going larger. Would love to hear experiences of others..."

It's an excellent question, Nikon, and I'd be happy to provide my perspective from my experience...simply wondering if you'll get more and better responses with a new thread while also honoring the intent of the original post? I'll look for the new thread if you decide to go that route.
04/09/2023 07:22PM  
NikonF5user: "For how many paddlers / length of time does one need a 60L barrel? I am scheming a one month solo trip to Woodland Caribou - trying to squeeze one day of food per liter essentially and go with a 30L barrel - but it seems many are going larger. Would love to hear experiences of others..."

One liter of food per day would work with backpacking-style food, but I think most people like to eat more luxurious food on canoeing trips (at least I know I do). I have a family of 7 and we've used up that 60l for a 5 day trip... I also keep food prep stuff, stove, fuel, toiletries, and cleanup supplies in the barrel as well to help contain the smell. Maybe some wine or drinks at times as well. :)
04/09/2023 07:30PM  
Thanks all for the replies it sounds like maybe I'm leaning towards the rbw harness. Sounds like it's about as comfortable as any of the other options and reasonably priced. Should give me more options as well since if I decide to go with 2 30l barrels I'll have that option without having to buy another harness.
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