BWCA A great idea to pass along Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      A great idea to pass along     



senior member (53)senior membersenior member
05/04/2023 02:40PM  
The last couple of years, I have carried a flag pole solar light with us. It is small and lightweight. I can charge it during the day, then light my tent, bugout or whatever.
It works like a dream.

Also, one year we hung it near the latrine so it was easy to find at night. Ironically enough, we shut it off when we got there to keep the mosquitoes away.

You should try it.

That is a free tip.

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05/04/2023 07:09PM  
Great idea. I have installed a few of these on friends/neighbors flag poles.
distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2023 03:27PM  
We bring green glow sticks, and put them along the path to the latrine. Make the path visible at night, and don't draw mosquitoes. Will stay on for 12 hours. The guys think it is one of the best ideas we came up with.
distinguished member(2368)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2023 11:23AM  
ockycamper: "We bring green glow sticks, and put them along the path to the latrine. Make the path visible at night, and don't draw mosquitoes. Will stay on for 12 hours. The guys think it is one of the best ideas we came up with."

I understand the need for lighting along the path, but I would never bring single-use equipment such as that. Just another item of trash that has to be gathered and packed out. I have found my fair share of used glow sticks in the BWCA and other camping areas. I would suggest looking at any of the solar charged lights which could be used for multiple trips, like the Luci Lights.
05/07/2023 02:46PM  
Minnesotian: "
ockycamper: "We bring green glow sticks, and put them along the path to the latrine. Make the path visible at night, and don't draw mosquitoes. Will stay on for 12 hours. The guys think it is one of the best ideas we came up with."

I understand the need for lighting along the path, but I would never bring single-use equipment such as that. Just another item of trash that has to be gathered and packed out. I have found my fair share of used glow sticks in the BWCA and other camping areas. I would suggest looking at any of the solar charged lights which could be used for multiple trips, like the Luci Lights. "

Yep. Or use a headlamp.
distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2023 04:56PM  
We bring Luci lights. Both the single/base models and the string lights. However once we are done with dinner the guys like to see the stars and don't want the Luci lights on. Also, the Luci lights will not stay lit all night. We use 4-5 glow sticks to light the path to the privy, replacing each evening and putting the used ones in the empty bearvaults. We use bearvaults for our food containers. As we eat the food, they are turned into the trash containers. So we are not packing out any more then we pack in. Yes the glow sticks are one use lights. But they do not affect your night vision, have no affect on animals, don't draw mosquitoes, and a pack of 36 glow sticks packs up smaller then two Luci lights.
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