BWCA Stove question Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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member (29)member
05/18/2023 07:11AM  
Sorry for the complete newb question.

I was about to pull the trigger on a butane cartridge stove instead of bringing my MSR Wisperlite or Optimas Ranger. But was concerned about the rules regarding non reusable metal containers.

I would rather not deal with fuel bottles that could leak on me.

Given that there are now the connectors that allow you to transfer gas between cartridges, are these considered refillable?
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05/18/2023 08:29AM  
Canister stoves such as MSR's PocketRocket and similar stoves from other manufacturers are allowed in the BWCA, if that is what you are wondering about. I'm not sure what you meant by "the rules regarding non reusable metal containers."
member (29)member
05/18/2023 08:38AM  
Ausable: "Canister stoves such as MSR's PocketRocket and similar stoves from other manufacturers are allowed in the BWCA, if that is what you are wondering about. I'm not sure what you meant by "the rules regarding non reusable metal containers." "

I read the email reservation confirmation wrong.

Doom on me!

Fuel canisters are exempted.
distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2023 10:07AM  
LukeMacGillie37: "Sorry for the complete newb question.

I was about to pull the trigger on a butane cartridge stove instead of bringing my MSR Wisperlite or Optimas Ranger. But was concerned about the rules regarding non reusable metal containers.

I would rather not deal with fuel bottles that could leak on me.

Given that there are now the connectors that allow you to transfer gas between cartridges, are these considered refillable? "

Many use the Iso-pro or iso-butane canisters in the BW. That is not an issue. Pack them in - Pack them out.

Refilling containers is another matter. There is an earlier thread about the inadvisability of refilling containers. It included several examples of refilled containers causing major damage. While I understand the wanting to be eco-friendly, re-use, etc. In this case, it might not be the way to go.

By the way, I use MSR fuel bottles with an MSR Whisperlite International stove and have never had leakage issues. Not in transportation or use.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/18/2023 01:36PM  
Michwall2: "I use MSR fuel bottles with an MSR Whisperlite International stove and have never had leakage issues. Not in transportation or use."

What Michall2 said.

We carry our white gas (Coleman fuel) in MSR fuel bottles (and there is a lot of miles on them) and they have never leaked ever. As a precaution, we put the fuel bottles inside plastic ziploc bags, but the fuel bottles have never leaked a drop.
05/18/2023 03:20PM  
Jackfish: "
Michwall2: "I use MSR fuel bottles with an MSR Whisperlite International stove and have never had leakage issues. Not in transportation or use."

What Michall2 said.

We carry our white gas (Coleman fuel) in MSR fuel bottles (and there is a lot of miles on them) and they have never leaked ever. As a precaution, we put the fuel bottles inside plastic ziploc bags, but the fuel bottles have never leaked a drop."

I bet you have the pre-child safety lids on those bottles that appear to now be mandatory because of the great hyper-regulated state of California. They suck.
member (29)member
05/18/2023 07:25PM  
Argo: "
Jackfish: "
Michwall2: "I use MSR fuel bottles with an MSR Whisperlite International stove and have never had leakage issues. Not in transportation or use."

What Michall2 said.

We carry our white gas (Coleman fuel) in MSR fuel bottles (and there is a lot of miles on them) and they have never leaked ever. As a precaution, we put the fuel bottles inside plastic ziploc bags, but the fuel bottles have never leaked a drop."

I bet you have the pre-child safety lids on those bottles that appear to now be mandatory because of the great hyper-regulated state of California. They suck."

Yes, had this stove since I was alerted for a deployment to Bosnia in 96!
05/19/2023 02:03PM  
I've never had a problem with MSR bottles leaking. I have both types of caps. For transporting the pump in place (make certain to depressurize before transport)use Butthead's plastic bottle pump protector.
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