BWCA Tortillas - lighter options? Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Tortillas - lighter options?     



06/17/2023 10:37AM  
Our group took a stack of big tortillas, which we used for fish tacos and breakfast burritos. Very popular, and less clean-up as plates were optional & cutlery unnecessary.

That stack of 40 burrito-sized tortillas weighed almost 50 ounces - pretty big weight penalty.

Curious if anyone has ideas for either making tortillas oneself in the backcountry or other ideas to reduce weight yet keep the functionality...
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06/17/2023 11:22AM  
Devil’s advocate…was 50 oz. As big of a weight penalty as you thought?

How many people and meals did they make? If you look at oz./Per person/per meal might be a better judge of opportunity cost of the tortilla weight.

Did you use them all? Maybe assess how many you need?

distinguished member (280)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/17/2023 01:24PM  
Bread may be lighter but you get hammered in the bulk department.

If you’re into cooking you could probably save some weight there (no water) but then of course you have the the massive time penalty.

I’ve always thought tortillas were the optimal bread solution up there, looking forward to hearing some alternatives.

One pro tip is to put a paper towel between your tortillas or your stack turns into one really big tortilla.
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/17/2023 05:04PM  
1.2 oz per meal wrap seems pretty good.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/17/2023 08:06PM  
Hammertime: "Bread may be lighter but you get hammered in the bulk department.

If you’re into cooking you could probably save some weight there (no water) but then of course you have the the massive time penalty.

I’ve always thought tortillas were the optimal bread solution up there, looking forward to hearing some alternatives.

One pro tip is to put a paper towel between your tortillas or your stack turns into one really big tortilla."

Great summary that I agree with on all points.
06/17/2023 09:00PM  
I love tortillas and bring them on all trips.

My guess is you are talking flour tortillas. I have made them from scratch, but they are basically flour and lard. I found home made were a lot of work and no better than I could buy. Since they have little moisture, I see no benefit to trying to make them. My main suggestion is buy smaller ones.

Last fall while making enchiladas I mixed up some Maseca to make fresh corn tortillas. I wondered if it might be an BWCA option, but found that without a tortilla press (about 3 lbs of cast iron) I could not get them flat enough.

I’ve tried, but will stick with store bought for trips.
06/21/2023 07:19AM  
schweady: "1.2 oz per meal wrap seems pretty good.

Fair point. Most meals it was two per person, though usually someone only had one.

We had one beast of a pack this year, and we're suffering some weight creep. The big guy who carried the pack was complaining - rightly so. Nobody else could have done it.

So we are looking at all options to lighten the load.

Tortillas may not be the place to find our weight savings.

Timatkn, we did use them all.

And Jaywalker, yes - big burrito-sized flour tortillas.

06/21/2023 10:30AM  
I suggest LaBanderita Ricas (available all over Minnesota)- they are fantastic 6" flour tortilla that come 20 to a pack for a great price.

Another thing to consider is ditching the concept of a "food pack"- I think it makes little sense to pack all your heaviest stuff in one pack. When traveling with groups I pack food in 30L dry bags (you can organize by meals or by days (day 1-3 in one bag..) and disperse the weight. The dry bags are ideal containers for reducing scent and for hanging.
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