BWCA Fall Lake entry point Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Fall Lake entry point     
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member (39)member
06/19/2023 10:20AM  
We are going in at Fall Lake the first week of September. Probably will go up and around to come out at Wood Lake. We have a whole week. This area is new to me
and I would appreciate any advise on SMB fishing. The fall can be slow going with these bass. Seems like they go to deeper water. Any suggestions on a particular lake we should concentrate on will be appreciated.
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distinguished member(5294)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/20/2023 12:47PM  
gripper: "We are going in at Fall Lake the first week of September. Probably will go up and around to come out at Wood Lake. We have a whole week. This area is new to me
and I would appreciate any advise on SMB fishing. The fall can be slow going with these bass. Seems like they go to deeper water. Any suggestions on a particular lake we should concentrate on will be appreciated."

I wrote an article on fall fishing, if you want to read it send me an email- - request article Don’t put those rods away yet
member (39)member
06/20/2023 12:50PM  
Mike, you are indeed a treasure. I have been reading your articles in the Boundry Waters Journals for several years. Thanks for the offer.
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