BWCA Urban Portage Partner Boundary Waters Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
      Urban Portage Partner     



06/29/2023 05:47PM  
Sorry not sure is this is considered “off topic” but wondering if anyone would be interested in partnering up and doing the red bull urban portage this year? I am open to doing either distance.

I have never done this event before but looks like it could be fun. Also could be a good training opportunity for a fall bwca trip or to flex those portaging muscles gained from a trip earlier in the season.

I would want to make sure we do some training sessions before the event which happens on aug 26.

I am a 36 year old male with pretty good fitness and do one or two bwca trips per year. Live in northern suburbs.

Send me an email or direct message if interested and we can discuss details.



Red Bull urban portage
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