BWCA Route question Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      Route question     



08/09/2023 01:51PM  
Seeking advice: I've paddled around the Ely side, through Sawbill, and out of Gunflint. Looking to try something different. What do you all think of a solo in the far east of the BWCA? Like maybe enter at Clearwater or East Bearskin and looping east through Pine or the Pike lakes?
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08/09/2023 02:51PM  
The only experience I have that way is the year of Pagami they closed my EP to the west of Gunflint necessitating a last minute switch to East Bearskin. I only went as far as Crystal and also walked the portage from Canoe to Pine that you take to get to the falls. Long narrow east west oriented lakes between high steep hills. A different scenery than much of the rest. Short easy portages out to Crystal/Pierz, long tough one to Pine.
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2023 03:54PM  
I'm doing a loop out of John lake in Sept. Never been up there before on the water but have spent a lot of time in those woods and it's known for more rugged terrain surrounding the lakes, but also beautiful campsites and views.
senior member (95)senior membersenior member
08/09/2023 07:10PM  
Did John, Bearskin Lakes, Caribou, out Pine/ McFarland. Nice out there.

distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2023 01:38PM  
My solo last summer was a Duncan L. EP. I stayed on Rose the 1st night. Then I traveled east into Mountain, Moose, etc. out to N. and S. Fowl and then came back west thru E. and W. Pike. I had planned to drop south a bit more and make my way back to W. Bearskin via Flour and Hungry Jack, but I ended up shortening the trip by a day and exited thru Clearwater and just portaged the Clearwater Road back to W. Bearskin. It was a beautiful trip.
senior member (65)senior membersenior member
09/18/2023 12:27PM  
I've been on multiple trips/loops on that end. Clearwater to mountain to McFarland, Clearwater through caribou, pine, west pike and back. Many time out and back on clearwater and Pine. Very rugged. Very beautiful. My favorite part of the bw, frankly.
distinguished member(1376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/21/2023 09:14AM  
I've soloed in that area. Lots of good options. I'd enter at East Bearskin. Clearwater is a long seven-mile paddle just to get to the portages to go east or south. Going through East Bearskin allows you to alter your route and be flexible, and still end up where you intend to go.

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