BWCA EP24 Fall Lake - Motors past Newton? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      EP24 Fall Lake - Motors past Newton?     
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member (8)member
08/16/2023 09:39PM  
Currently planning a trip for Fall lake on EP24.
I know motorized boats are allowed past Newton, up through Pipestone Bay, but are they very common?
Just trying to get an idea if it's going to be the authentic "BWCA" experience, or if there's going to be a constant buzz of motor boats throughout the day.
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08/16/2023 10:45PM  
When are you going? We came down from Basswood falls last sept. Camped a night on Pipestone and exited Fall Lake. Never saw or heard one boat.
distinguished member (212)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2023 05:28AM  
In my experience you’ll hear them in the morning and again late in the afternoon. They’re fishing all day. Late May and early June are the busiest. If motor boats are cruising during the day the fishing stinks.
08/17/2023 06:36AM  
I’ve done this entry twice, though it’s been over a decade and both times in September. We saw a few motor boats, maybe 4-7 a day, they did not lessen our experience. The only inconvenience they imposed on us was on the portages, though that was my problem since they have the same right to be there as I do. If you choose to not let motor boats annoy you, you’ll have a great experience. It’s a great route to the falls and Crooked Lake beyond.
08/17/2023 04:35PM  
Motorized boats are everywhere in this area. Get to the non-motorized zone(s) as quickly as you can. I have dealt with this multiple years in the last 5+ years. Motorboaters are the scourge of the BWCA everywhere they are allowed. Disgusting leave no trace etiquette.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2023 06:58PM  
Kendis: "Motorized boats are everywhere in this area. Get to the non-motorized zone(s) as quickly as you can. I have dealt with this multiple years in the last 5+ years. Motorboaters are the scourge of the BWCA everywhere they are allowed. Disgusting leave no trace etiquette. "

Your time of year??
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