BWCA Leaves are a changin' Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Leaves are a changin'     
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distinguished member(5796)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/01/2023 08:17PM  
Seems quite early, but I've already noticed several trees almost completely yellow and orange south of Ely near the airport, just off Highway 1.
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09/02/2023 01:02PM  
We just got back from a loop through the Man Chain and back down through Ottertrack. I was noticing that a lot color changes. Some completely turned fall color. It seemed early to me too.
distinguished member (314)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/02/2023 01:47PM  
Probably due to drought stress. There are already trees changing color here in NE Iowa, which is a month ahead of schedule. Our drought has been worse than up in your neck of the woods.
09/02/2023 01:55PM  
NEIowapaddler: "Probably due to drought stress. There are already trees changing color here in NE Iowa, which is a month ahead of schedule. Our drought has been worse than up in your neck of the woods. "

Dry weather especially like ash trees ash and maples are more susceptible.
09/02/2023 07:42PM  
Most of Hwy 169, 53, and 33 were under color siege on my way home from Ely earlier this week.
09/12/2023 11:47PM  
I saw the frost warning and decided to bump this thread.
09/13/2023 06:48AM  
I was surprised to come home with leaves turning so early. I remember my forty day trip it was almost end of September when it changed this much…
Then the hail we got a couple evenings ago brought down a lot of what was changing. Could be a real early quick transition… BUT… there’s hardly a mosquito out there! Haha!
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/13/2023 07:56AM  
Maine has been wet all summer, but our leaves are changing. I saw a fully red maple yesterday. However, they'll keep changing through the end of November because our color lasts three months.
distinguished member(1179)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2023 08:02AM  
Camped at Birch Lake two weeks ago and noticed lots of changing leaf color along highway 1. Especially the bright red maple leaves. Heading in tomorrow, excited to see how much more it’s changed. After three summer trips I’m ready for the cool fall weather.
distinguished member(592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/13/2023 04:42PM  
Yep, mostly the maples for now. The aspens on the high ridges were turning too and a few of the ashes. We're a good couple weeks from the "happy" aspens from turning and the maples in the shade. Tamaracks three or four weeks out yet? Last night SURE felt like fall! I'm pretty sure we dropped into the 20s in Ely.
09/13/2023 05:43PM  
Of course the year I plan an October trip to finally see peak colors, they come way early. My mid-late September trips rarely even have peak yellow. Sigh... so it goes.
09/15/2023 10:14AM  
technically_rugged: "Of course the year I plan an October trip to finally see peak colors, they come way early. My mid-late September trips rarely even have peak yellow. Sigh... so it goes."

It seems to be changing slow enough. Maybe you’ll be fine…
distinguished member(8123)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/21/2023 04:56PM  
Beautiful colors in the maple hillsides on most drives up the hill from 61 on Wednesday, but only splashes of color right by the lake. Gunflint was showing some occasional drama, too, especially around Pincushion.
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/24/2023 09:29AM  
The Gunflint trail was starting to be real golden this weekend. It was a pretty drive out!
09/24/2023 12:30PM  
Was on Disappointment the 18th - 21st and noticed only minimal change and mostly a blush and occasional maple. Maple coming into Ely were early turn and leaving I did notice more change as I got closer to Superior where the hillsides were ablaze. Birch still mostly green. Second year I have enjoyed the turn and it is awesome.
distinguished member(5796)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/27/2023 09:12PM  
Weird year.... it's been a mixed bag. Some trees have already dropped most of their leaves, while others are still completely green. That said, the next couple of weeks should be prime time.
distinguished member(5796)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/16/2023 09:50AM  
Looks like the leaves are still hanging on pretty good around Ely.

Any recent reports of actual BWCA & Gunflint/Arrowhead region? Hopeful of heading that way in a few days.
10/16/2023 10:19AM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "Looks like the leaves are still hanging on pretty good around Ely.

Any recent reports of actual BWCA & Gunflint/Arrowhead region? Hopeful of heading that way in a few days."

Not quite the same region, but I was up on Eagle Mountain on Friday and drove down the shore from Grand Marais afterwards. Yellows are still very much there and pictures really don't do it justice. I thought we'd missed the colors, but we were pleasantly surprised.
distinguished member (210)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/16/2023 02:48PM  
I returned from a Wed-Sat trip around the Ely area and was a little surprised at the amount of green still in the trees. Looked like peak yellow could be any day now.
distinguished member(1482)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/16/2023 07:31PM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "Looks like the leaves are still hanging on pretty good around Ely.

Any recent reports of actual BWCA & Gunflint/Arrowhead region? Hopeful of heading that way in a few days."

I went in thru Cross Bay on the Gunflint for a week (home last Friday) and lots of vibrant yellow still holding strong. Beautiful and hardly a soul around. It didn't quite snow but it did "spit" with some frozen rain a few times that almost turned into snow. Latest I've been in the bwca and it has me contemplating one more trip next week. :)
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/17/2023 02:33PM  
ForestDuff: "I returned from a Wed-Sat trip around the Ely area and was a little surprised at the amount of green still in the trees. Looked like peak yellow could be any day now."

Great to hear! Taking a last car camping trip of the year up there this weekend! Hoping to get into some trout.
distinguished member(771)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/21/2023 07:58AM  

Colors in Hayward area this weekend were/are spectacular. Morning fog muted the brilliance a bit in the pictures. We were pleasantly surprised by the late season beauty.
distinguished member(5796)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/24/2023 09:49AM  
The color was spectacular on the tip of the Arrowhead over MEA weekend.
10/26/2023 08:20AM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "The color was spectacular on the tip of the Arrowhead over MEA weekend."

I drove down to Marshall to a family thing Saturday. It was a beautiful drive. Seems like we got blessed with a longer color season this year. But the leaves are falling fast and old man you know who is knocking at the door…
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
Cliff Wold's Outfitting Co.