BWCA Deluge of rain in parts of the BWCA this weekend Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Deluge of rain in parts of the BWCA this weekend     
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distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/24/2023 07:10AM  
I’m watching the radar and the bands of constant hard rain just keep coming.
In Duluth at my house we have had 4” of rain in the past 48 hrs. The rivers are really flowing!

PArts of the BWCA are getting a lot of this too and I look forward to stories of those coming back. I’m sure a lot of unhappy and wet campers, soaked down sleeping bags and all.
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distinguished member (387)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/24/2023 09:27AM  
I was out there haha... We were moving campsites closer to the exit on Friday when it started raining. The sky literally turned turquoise and we had to b line it to this campsite across the bay. We got absolutely soaked and hailed on for awhile.
senior member (51)senior membersenior member
09/24/2023 09:52AM  
Our plan was to head back to our van Saturday morning. Given the forecast and all signs pointing to a windy storm we decided to enjoy Friday, break camp, and get back to the van before dark. The sky to the north of us was deep black and we could see the lightning but the storms were moving very slowly away from us. We stayed dry but folks a few miles north must have had significant rain. Spent the night in the van at the EP and given rain during the night and what happened on Saturday with both rain and wind we were glad to be off the water.
distinguished member (132)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/25/2023 02:16PM  
Just returned from the Granite River. On Friday, while moving from Clove Lake to Maraboeuf, it rained quite hard with rumbles of thunder. Thought we would be creamed on Saturday, but after a short downfall early, we just had a few periods of sprinkles/mist. For good or ill, we had cell coverage and so could check out weather radar and see the showers pounding areas to the west and southeast, while we enjoyed relative calm - a lucky break.
distinguished member (408)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/25/2023 02:34PM  
jsmithxc: "Our plan was to head back to our van Saturday morning. Given the forecast and all signs pointing to a windy storm we decided to enjoy Friday, break camp, and get back to the van before dark. The sky to the north of us was deep black and we could see the lightning but the storms were moving very slowly away from us. We stayed dry but folks a few miles north must have had significant rain. Spent the night in the van at the EP and given rain during the night and what happened on Saturday with both rain and wind we were glad to be off the water."

My 3-night trip off the Gunflint turned into 1 night. I bailed out Friday around lunch. Sounds like I made the right call. Bummed but whatever.

Almost 6 inches of rain after this morning here at the house in Duluth. I could almost canoe through my yard.
09/25/2023 08:06PM  
Boonie is out there... I sure hope he’s doing ok.
09/26/2023 06:40AM  
The silver lining is that the Grouse are now holding to the limited dry cover and are easier to find.
distinguished member (458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/26/2023 08:59AM  
nctry: "Boonie is out there... I sure hope he’s doing ok."
I was thinking the same. Hope he's doing ok.

distinguished member (357)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/03/2023 06:21AM  
AlexanderSupertramp: "
jsmithxc: "Our plan was to head back to our van Saturday morning. Given the forecast and all signs pointing to a windy storm we decided to enjoy Friday, break camp, and get back to the van before dark. The sky to the north of us was deep black and we could see the lightning but the storms were moving very slowly away from us. We stayed dry but folks a few miles north must have had significant rain. Spent the night in the van at the EP and given rain during the night and what happened on Saturday with both rain and wind we were glad to be off the water."

My 3-night trip off the Gunflint turned into 1 night. I bailed out Friday around lunch. Sounds like I made the right call. Bummed but whatever.

Almost 6 inches of rain after this morning here at the house in Duluth. I could almost canoe through my yard."

my buddy and i camped at trails end thursday-sun
Friday we hiked west from gunflint on the kek trail. Clouds were dark, and I heard thunder, but no rain. when we got back to trails end, it had rained, but not much. just enough to wet the pavement. Saturday morning we had sprinkles for about an hour,. Spent the day on Seagull, and it was glass.
maybe you should have stuck around
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