BWCA Winter Ice Fishing/Small game trip Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (12)member
12/07/2023 11:01AM  

In 2 short days I will be turning 25 and to celebrate I have decided to winter camp in the BWCA for five days, only this time in the winter. I have some winter camping experience, in the boy scouts, and also in my later adult life. I'm having trouble picking out a spot, I'll have a hot tent I'll be renting but I'm struggling to pick out a site for the 5 days I'll be in the BWCA. I've attacked from Grand Marais in most of my recent trips and would like to do so again this time. My trip is February 2nd-7t, and if anyone had any ideas for camp sites/parking places I would greatly appreciate any and all insights that could be provided.
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12/07/2023 02:58PM  
No idea where to go.....but as you get closer to trip, tune in to Tuscarora Outfitters videos on YouTube. Andy posts updates on snow depths, ice conditions and whats plowed/not plowed for entry point parking.
12/07/2023 03:03PM  
I've winter camped on both Duncan and Daniels. Small parking lot on Bearskin and one portage to either lake. No luck fishing. The Daniels trip, I partnered with another member from the board which was a nice outing.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/07/2023 08:01PM  
I would post this query in the Fishing Forum if you have not done so. There are several fishing fans (fanatics) over there who will undoubtedly be very helpful.
member (47)member
12/08/2023 08:39AM  
Just FYI, grouse hunting closes on Jan 1. I have also camped on Daniels and Duncan. I usually do a trip in March when it is easier to move around on the lake. I caught lakers each time, but Duncan was better for size. A highlight for me was hiking to the rose lake portage and exploring the overlooks and trails. If you get some clear and pleasant weather, check out that area for a great day hike with stunning views.
distinguished member (113)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/18/2023 08:00PM  
Just a wild idea. What about around Isabella? Some lakes off the Isabella river. I don't know how thick the burn over area is at this point, haven't been there in a while. Grouse season ends Jan. 1st. Also might be able to access the Powwow trial for ease of entrance and exit. Keep an eye out for snowshoe hare and red squirrel they will still be in season for hunting.
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