BWCA Charm and mantle lakes Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/28/2024 07:01PM  
Planning my trip for 2025 and looking for more info on charm and mantle lakes. I have read a little of what benutzer has posted about them but I wasn't sure if other members have explored them. The PMA forum is pretty dead, assuming I'll have better luck getting info here.
Plan is to enter ep 16 and work our way up to gebe via LLC. Basecamping on gebe for a few days and need a cool day trip to keep us occupied as we are used to moving every day. We've done half of the weeny PMA and want to get into some other "primitive" areas.

Just curious as to lake conditions, difficulty of getting to mantle once we get into charm, and any fishing info on these lakes. We did contentment down to pageant last year so we are well aware of the potential difficulty we could face once in the PMA.
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01/29/2024 08:33AM  
Haven't done them myself, but here's a link to the BWCAWILD page on Charm.

distinguished member(540)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/29/2024 02:42PM  
Yeah I've seen that one. Unfortunately, no first hand experience. Love bwcawild, they always have great info when I can't find it here.
member (36)member
02/11/2024 11:05PM  
I have been to Charm. Easy bushwhack from Ge-Be. Just follow the north side of the creek. Charm is a typical small lake for the area - nothing super noteworthy. It has pike. Feel free to email me for further info.
distinguished member (134)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2024 06:37AM  
We did the same entry/trip 6 years ago. Getting to Charm was relatively easy. We did have decent bass fishing on Charm. Getting to Mantle was a little more challenging. Serious uphill with several deadfalls to get over. We had better fishing on Charm. Still beautiful lakes and worth the effort to bushwack to.
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