BWCA La Verendrye Provincial Park Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member (142)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/20/2024 08:39PM  
Has anyone stayed in La Verendrye Provincial Park while doing the board route?

The only statement I can find is "This is a non-operating park. There are no activities or facilities at this park."

If you have what process did you use, besides the RABC (and our BWCA permit) what else would be needed.

Stopping at the ranger station on SAG to "check in" is on the way. But Grand portage customs would still be a few days away.
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02/20/2024 09:42PM  
I did the Border route last year and had a permit for the nights we expected to pass through the non-operational provincial park (from Quetico -Saganaga to Fort Charlotte).

You need a permit to stay in La Verendrye (LV) overnight if not a Canadian resident. Details HERE. You buy the permit online, print it off and carry with you, there isn’t any place to pick it up. You can’t pick it up at a Ranger Station in Quetico. If I recall correctly, you could only purchase the within a few months of the start date of the permit…but I may have that wrong. And of course you need the RABC permit as well.

You can enter the LV for day trips w/o a permit, but you still need the RABC to step on Crown land (other than to use a portage on the border lakes).

Below is the email exchange I had last summer with Trevor Gibb (Quetico Park Superintendent) on the matter prior to my trip.



June 29, 2024

Hi, I will be traveling the border by canoe this coming September and as such I am wondering about camping in Le Verendrye along the way. Very little info on La Verendrye online given it's a non-operational Provincial Park. I assume a non-resident crown land camping permit for the nights I'm in that area is needed for camping. Is this correct? Do I need any other permit type or registration? I have a current RABC permit (I'm from the US).

Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for the response.

Regards, Peter


June 29, 2024

Hi Peter, you are correct that crown land camping permits are required for non-residents of Canada. In addition to that and your RABC, you need a fishing licence if you plan to fish on the Ontario side. Since it is a non-operating park you do not require a park permit like you do at Quetico Provincial Park for instance. The crown land camping permit acts as your permit.

Since LaVerendrye is a non-operating park the portages and campsites are not maintained.


Trevor Gibb | Park Superintendent – Quetico Provincial Park
distinguished member (142)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/21/2024 10:30AM  
Thank you, that's a big help
distinguished member(3055)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/21/2024 10:50AM  
A non-operating park also means non-regulated to a certain degree. There are not restrictions of motors and bottles/cans or quotas.

I spent some time in a non-operating provincial park up near Pickle Lake ONT a few years ago and now I prefer regulated parks.
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