BWCA Trip Report - Seagull to Ogish to Saganaga or Saj-koa-jesak-kl-koss Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Seagull to Ogish to Saganaga or Saj-koa-jesak-kl-koss     



distinguished member (317)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/11/2007 11:39PM  
New Trip Report posted by CIIcanoe

Trip Name: Seagull to Ogish to Saganaga or Saj-koa-jesak-kl-koss.

Entry Point: 54A

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Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3780)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/12/2007 12:13PM  
Another Good Report!

distinguished member (182)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/14/2007 08:37PM  

Thanks for the report. My first BWCA trip was that loop in reverse. Oh, and doesn't the sign in the middle of Seagull look out of place?

Let me ask a few questions:

Which site were you at on Ogish and Knife?

Tell me about your back exercises? I am trying to not get a bad back but what I have, I can't do in the BWCA.

Thanks again for the report!


distinguished member(1792)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/14/2007 08:43PM  
Are you talking about the BW sign on the little sign island south of Fishhook Island?
distinguished member (317)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/15/2007 09:57PM  

Basically, after I wake up on these trips, I begin doing several stretches that loosen my lower back. Such as double knee to chest, single knee to chest, trunk rotation lying down, press-ups, all fours stretch, Cat/Cow, hip extensions, trunk extensions and a few more that I’m sure I’m missing. I’m sure any good book on the back will have these exercises and described them as well. These exercises or stretches do have other names also. Remember to do some ab work also.

The older I get and the harder I play, I find I’m much better off if I do some stretches afterwards. I don’t do any stretching in the morning at home if I’m only going to work. I still go to a health club in the evenings the days I’m not in my canoe paddling. I try to stretch after paddling.

I paddle my racing canoes for exercises as well as I just like to paddle.

The campsite that I stayed at on Ogish was the second campsite on the north shore going west from the portage from Kingfisher Lake. (another way to say it, the northern most campsite in section 23 )

The campsite on the Knife where I stayed was on the border between marker 913 and 917.

Trygve, there must be more than one sign on that lake, because I don’t remember it where you describe.

distinguished member(1792)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/09/2007 06:01AM  
There are eight signs.

Hah, that doesn't narrow it down.

One of the signs was burned in the fire... There is a picture.
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