BWCA Dehydrator Recipes Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Dehydrator Recipes     



distinguished member (195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/31/2012 12:13PM  
Okay guys and gals, I got a new dehydrator for Christmas and I need your favorite recipes to prepare meals before we go to Quetico in June. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner recipes will be appreciated. This will help fill the winter months preparing for our trip.
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12/31/2012 12:37PM  
read the "main course" at the top of the page. ripple has many dehydrator recipes in there.
02/20/2013 05:54PM  
We make biscuits and gravy for one breakfast on every trip. We brown hamburger, rinse it to get the grease off and then dehydrate it. We seal it in plastic bags with a food saver and store them in a cool place until the trip. Bring along a package or two of Sausage Gravy Mix to make with it.

To rehydrate cover with hot water in a frying pan until soft, add Gravy packets with more water to make the gravy. We eat it over Fry Bread made separately. I tried dehydrating browned sausage once, but lost the flavor when we rinsed the grease off.
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