BWCA Dehydrating canned pork&beans Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Dehydrating canned pork&beans     



member (34)member
03/19/2014 04:51PM  
Any suggestions/tips for dehydrating a big can of pork & beans?
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distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/19/2014 06:02PM  
Chicagored served that. He said he just spread it on a tray and dehydrated it. Not sure there was a lot of pork chunks in it. Rehydrated really well to go with second night brats. I'd put them on parchment paper but a roll up tray would work well I suspect.
distinguished member (284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/19/2014 07:26PM  
Drain them first then spread on parchment paper. They rehydyrate quickly and taste great!
member (34)member
03/19/2014 07:34PM  
Thanks Bill. I spread it on a tray and set the dehydrator to 145 for the first half hour then turned it down to 135. I'll post results when I rehydrate it. If I can get acceptable results the pork & beans will be part of a shore lunch with fried potatoes and onions and fresh caught walleye.
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/21/2014 06:35PM  
Mmmm. Sounds tasty. Think I'll give it a try.
03/21/2014 06:42PM  
I just pour them on my fruit trays. I do not drain them at all. I do get low fat ones, but don't know if that makes any difference or not. Same way that I do refined beans.
distinguished member(596)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/22/2014 03:59PM  
quote billconner: "Chicagored served that. He said he just spread it on a tray and dehydrated it. Not sure there was a lot of pork chunks in it. Rehydrated really well to go with second night brats. I'd put them on parchment paper but a roll up tray would work well I suspect."

I poured it out on the roll up trays for about 6 hours at 140 or so. Then I turned it over and let it go another 2 hours. I don't drain the beans first. Lot of flavor in the sauce.

member (6)member
03/23/2014 04:33PM  
I put a 22 oz can of Bush's Bourbon and Brown Sugar on a solid liner sprayed with Pam for 12 hours or so--turn over once.Seal in a vacuum bag that can also be used to rehydrate and heat in boiling water.Delish with dehydrated coleslaw and a bunch of walleyes.
distinguished member (485)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2014 04:53PM  
Can we add bourbon ?
distinguished member(704)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2014 05:59PM  
quote Miketheflyguy1: "Can we add bourbon ?"

No, there's a little known clause buried in The Wilderness Act, lobbied in by the Minnesota Women's Christian Temperance Union, I think it's a subsection of the part that bans mechanical portaging devices. It is permissible to carry in dehydrated beans, and bourbon separately, but clearly, as God intended they are not to be mixed. You do so at the risk of having your bourbon confiscated. #^)
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