BWCA Whom or what led you to faith in Jesus Christ? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Soul Space
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   Group Forum: Soul Space
      Whom or what led you to faith in Jesus Christ?     



04/14/2016 02:33PM  
Yeah-- I know, the Holy Spirit. But what actually transpired in your life that led you to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ??
I was not personally saved by Christ until Oct 01' (28 years old) after many years of going to Church. I was introduced to the "Left Behind" book series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins by my sister and bro in law. Didn't want to read that "fiction" I remember telling them-- best decision I have ever made to read them as they opened my heart/soul to studying Gods Word for myself.... Thanks Big Sis-- and Thanks Holy Spirit!!
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Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3780)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2016 08:52PM  
Left Behind was a great series! I was sprinkled in the Presbyterian Church as a young boy, but never felt secure in my faith! Later I was baptized in a creek when I was 15, and still did not feel secure. I lived life by my rules, lost a marriage after 17 years, and it was not until I was 38 years old before I realized I truly needed a relationship with Jesus to be truly saved. At that point I was attending a Southern Baptist Church! Since that time I have grown, not been perfect and never will be... But I was Baptized again those 21 years ago, and worked on a relationship with God! And now at 59 I am blessed beyond my deserving. You asked the question of what lead me to my faith in Jesus Christ? It is the daily seeing Him answering prayer, of living for Him, and putting Him ahead of anything else. Why? Life is good when my wife and I do that! We teach our grandchildren and show them the Love in our life from Him. If I don't have my daily quiet time, then there is something missing in everything I do. The Blessings that come from living for Him. I am Blessed to be a Gideon, helping to spread the word world wide!

I guess the main that lead me to Jesus was not Religion... But rather a real relationship with Him, once that happened it all changed, and I changed!

distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/14/2016 08:54PM  
I went to church when I was growing up but got away from it in my twenties and thirties. Friends kinda gently guided me back to the church and on 12-26-2007 at 3:16 pm I was born again.
distinguished member(755)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/15/2016 04:58AM  
My wife became a Christ follower early in our marriage. She always wanted me to come to church with her but I resisted. I loved my life of drinking and drugs too much and did not want to know God at all.

In early June of 1984 she convinced me to take her and our kids to Camp Awana in Wisconsin. She said I could do anything I wanted. I spent my first 2 days fishing and avoiding all her "Christian" friends. After lunch on Saturday I was sitting on a bench by myself smoking a cigarette when an OLD couple pulled into the parking lot. The old guy introduced himself to me and sat down next to me. We talked about general things until he asked me if I thought I would go to heaven when I die. I said yes , he asked why , I said I was a pretty good guy. He asked me if I believed in God. My response was yes. He asked me if I thought God would ever lie to us. I said no. He asked me if I knew what the bible was. I said it was Gods book. He said if the bible is Gods book and God does not lie then it must be true. I agreed and he proceeded to point me to scriptures that showed I was a sinner and because of my sin I would some day be accountable to God for them and that my punishment would be an eternity in hell. I couldn't deny what he said and asked him what should I do because I did not want to go to hell. He showed me more scripture telling me about Jesus and his finished work on the cross. I said I really didn't care about my sin and I just wanted to go to heaven. He encouraged me to ask Christ to be my savior. I fumbled through my first ever prayer and then he told me 2 things. 1. Today was my new birthday and 2. From now on my only job was to tell others about Christ. He then said " So I want you to tell the next person you see what you just did." Well the next person I saw was my wife. She was overcome with joy and started to cry.

It was the best day ever. I don't know who that guy was but some day we will meet in heaven. ~JOE~
04/15/2016 05:38AM  
Angels rejoice and sing in Heaven over one soul that is redeemed. Angels cant be redeemed . Imagine , if you will, what it will be like when all those redeemed rejoice and praise God . Heaven in the truest. Great stories of coming to faith in Christ!! Keep them coming. A little version of Hebrews 10:25!!
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
04/29/2016 11:09PM  
Jesus thank you for saving a wretch like me, Im eternally grateful !!! P.S. Please welcome Jan Johnson into your heavenly realm, he will be sorely missed !
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/30/2016 08:53AM  
Actually my parents did a pretty good job but, for sone reason I never fully embraced Jesus. It's not that I've ever didn't believe, but it definitely wasn't a Souls on fire relationship either.

I can't claim a bolt of lightening epiphany that called me home but, rather a gradual process of enlightenment.

I think my marriage and subsequent birth of our daughter were the significant contributing factors. I began listening to Relevant Radio and poking around at the Word on Fire webpage. From there things have really spider webbed out to multiple other resources inspiring me to a greater understanding and, thus, a more intimate relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ.
05/13/2016 07:43PM  
I've known Jesus since I was born. But once I went off to the Navy - I met with a chaplain, and that lit a mini fire. In 2009 I was re-baptised at Eagle Brook Church - and I've been sold out for Jesus ever since. My trip report will be dripping with parallels :-) I already have some thoughts, and I can't wait.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
05/13/2016 09:48PM  
quote MNLindsey80: "I've known Jesus since I was born. But once I went off to the Navy - I met with a chaplain, and that lit a mini fire. In 2009 I was re-baptised at Eagle Brook Church - and I've been sold out for Jesus ever since. My trip report will be dripping with parallels :-) I already have some thoughts, and I can't wait."
Small world I go to Eaglebrook Lino Lakes :-)
05/17/2016 10:04PM  
quote Basspro69: "
quote MNLindsey80: "I've known Jesus since I was born. But once I went off to the Navy - I met with a chaplain, and that lit a mini fire. In 2009 I was re-baptised at Eagle Brook Church - and I've been sold out for Jesus ever since. My trip report will be dripping with parallels :-) I already have some thoughts, and I can't wait."
Small world I go to Eaglebrook Lino Lakes :-) "

I usually attend Lino too! (I serve at Blaine tho in Elevate!)
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
05/17/2016 10:18PM  
quote MNLindsey80: "
quote Basspro69: "
quote MNLindsey80: "I've known Jesus since I was born. But once I went off to the Navy - I met with a chaplain, and that lit a mini fire. In 2009 I was re-baptised at Eagle Brook Church - and I've been sold out for Jesus ever since. My trip report will be dripping with parallels :-) I already have some thoughts, and I can't wait."
Small world I go to Eaglebrook Lino Lakes :-) "

I usually attend Lino too! (I serve at Blaine tho in Elevate!)"
Awesome Lindsey, I almost always attend service on Saturdays usually the 6pm service but sometimes the 4. I love bobs sevice but Jason Strand is my favorite.
05/18/2016 02:53PM  
Church youth group peer pressure.
Still trying to deal with a messed up church upbringing. Good lord they can do some damage!

I have been trying out churches in my area with my two sons, but it can be tough finding the right fit.
distinguished member (232)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/03/2016 03:13PM  
Grew up in the traditional church and dad would drop me and my two younger brothers off. We would go in and sit for awhile until I was sure Dad was gone, then I would sneek out.

Grew up and got married, had first of five sons and, at four months old, he had a life threatening accident. People came out of the woodwork telling us that they were praying.

I drove home from the Minneapolis children's hospital and all I could say was God save my baby.

I laid down, too nervous to sleep, I had an amazing thing happen to me. I became born again and I immediately had a change in my life. I viewed life differently, guys at work noticed my language was different. Things changed all the way around. No, I was not and am not perfect.

The doctors could not believe my sons dramatic healing. At 34, he has no side effects of his accident.

All glory goes to God.

distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/05/2016 09:32AM  
Amen to that, God has power over any circumstances, your kid is a living miracle !
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/05/2016 09:32AM  
I have had many instances where God has revealed himself. My daughter was in the hospital with a blood clot in her lungs and nothing the doctors were doing was working to get the fluid drained from her lungs that was built up from the subsequent pneumonia. I went to chapel at the hospital and prayed specifically for my daughters health and in particular for her lung. 10 minutes after that prayer her lung started to drain the fluid, some would say coincidence but people of faith know different, God is Great !
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/18/2016 07:25AM  
Sometimes I wish I had a good "Conversion" story like the apostle Paul or Alvin York. Growing up with a mother who did drugs and booze, then a grandfather who was also an alcoholic, the "Church bus" picked us up on Sundays to wisk us away to the church my paternal grandmother and great grandmother attended (neither could drive). This was a respite, a safe haven. So I grew up WANTING to go to church, WANTING that relationship with Christ, and subsequently asking Jesus Christ to "Save" me at an early age.

I was so fortunate that my early relationship with the Lord kept me away from so many of the "Dark" sides of life I was exposed to over the years. I have a much easier time resisting many of those temptations others deal with daily because I don't have an "Appetite" for them, not of my own doing.

So, I guess I owe a debt of gratitude to Grandma Hazel and Grandma Jackson, our minister Rev. Dallas Williams, and the many men and women who drove that church bus and made certain many of us got to church, revivals, picnics, etc over the years. And to a church, Faith Baptist Temple whom had a great bunch of "Believers."

Thanks for this "Uplifting" thread!
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