BWCA Crocodile river Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (24)member
07/28/2021 07:55PM  
I'll be going in at the Crocodile river entry point in a couple weeks. Is it easier to go through the vegetable lakes or through Easy Bearskin? Also does anyone have experience on these campsites? Is there room for two hammocks? Thanks!
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07/29/2021 05:47AM  
Ferris, it is definitely easier to go in from the East Bearskin landing, a short 35 minute paddle to portage to Crocodile Lake. The portage is around 100 rods and is steep at times but overall not that bad.

Here are some pics from the furthest East campsite on Crocodile, looks like hammock oppportunities:

This is from the second campsite going west to east, in my opinion the best site on the lake but maybe less conducive to hammocks:

A site we saw from this campsite:

Hope you like to walleye fish, it can be really good there. Have a great trip.
member (24)member
07/29/2021 08:48AM  
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/29/2021 08:53PM  
The veggies would be darn near impossible at this water level I'd think.
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