BWCA Trip Report - Sylvania, 2009 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Sylvania, 2009     



01/04/2010 09:06PM  
New Trip Report posted by Exo

Trip Name: Sylvania, 2009.

Entry Point: Other

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distinguished member (456)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/05/2010 07:02AM  
I really enjoyed your trip report. Sounds like you were able to find a wilderness experience without having to paddle too far to get it. The video was a nice touch as well.

01/05/2010 09:50PM  
Nice report, Exo. I updated my Sylvania map with your detailed info on campsites. I was there in 2007 for a bit of trail-clearing and hope to get there next fall for a week or so.
01/06/2010 10:57AM  
Enjoyed your report. We live in the UP 90 miles from Sylvania. Its a nice area. The video is cool
01/06/2010 12:19PM  
Thanks for the good report and pictures. This area looks like a gem.
01/06/2010 05:41PM  

I've done some photography at Bond Falls on a walk/drive-about in 2007. Want to get back for more... Another gem for water is Pictured Rocks. My photography: Photos
01/08/2010 07:15AM  
Nice Report, We go a lot around our "home turf" also. The memories are just as embedded in my memory as any bwca trip, and much closer to arrive at for us. Like the bear pics, we don't have any in Nebraska except at the zoo.
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