Boundary Waters Map, BWCA
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Wildlife Information

Map: View Point on Map
Posted by: Essorens
Type: Bear Sighting
Lake: Edith Lake
Entry Point: 52 - Brant Lake
Date of Visit: 07/26/2023
Approx. Latitude: 48.0692
Approx. Longitude: -90.8569

Place Notes: We saw Moose tracks in the mud on the portage from West Round to Edith Lake. Part of our group heard a loud splash at the North end of Edith but couldn’t see around the bend and thought it must have been a big fish. As our whole group finished the portage and we were getting ready to load canoes we heard another huge splash and looked to see a HUGE bull Moose getting out of the water. (He had swam across the lake while we were hauling the rest of our gear) He stood up on shore, turned and looked at us, and then turned back to the woods and slinked into the trees.

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