Hungry Jack Canoe Outfitters and Cabins, Boundary Waters Lodging,Gunflint Trail (Eastern BWCA), BWCA, BWCAW

Hungry Jack Canoe Outfitters and Cabins

Gunflint Trail (Eastern BWCA)

Hungry Jack Canoe Outfitters and Cabins

318 S Hungry Jack Rd
Gunflint Trail/Grand Marais, MN   55604

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Contact Information:

Proprietors: David and Nancy Seaton
Direct Phone: (218) 388-2275
Toll-Free Phone: (800) 648-2922


We provide both housekeeping cabins and bunkhouses on the
beautiful Gunflint Trail beside Hungry Jack Lake.

Hungry Jack Lake is very pretty and generally very quiet;
motors are allowed but very little used. Fishing for
smallmouth bass is good most of the summer and walleyes can
be found in midsummer. Nearby lakes have great trout fishing
early and late in the season.

Our cabins are right on the shore of the lake, and are just
one mile by water from the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe
Area Wilderness.

Most of our cabin guests take advantage of the canoe-only
wilderness just outside their door. If you would rather have
views of the water than be on it, you'll want to explore the
spectacular hiking trails along the Canadian border, with
trailheads on the other side if the lake. On the east end of
Hungry Jack Lake, Honeymoon Bluff offers spectacular sunset
views. Our lake is home to moose, beavers, otters, and
loons. The Gunflint Trail, Grand Marais, and other parts of
Cook County also have many places to explore.

Main Amenities:

  • Lake Access - Direct Access to beautiful northwood lake
  • Outdoor Recreation - Boating, canoing, swimming, hiking, fishing, and mountain biking.
  • Cabins - Cabins rentals
  • Bunkhouse - Inexpensive rentals for pre-post trip lodging
  • Housekeeping Plans

Additional Amenities:

  • Hiking Nearby - Nearby hiking trails
  • Canoes - Canoe rental
  • Fishing - Nearby fishing available
  • Cross Country Skiing - Cross Country Skiing Trials nearby.

Love many, trust few, learn to paddle your own canoe. We're looking for a few fun, flexible, interesting humans to be part of our team this summer.
$15/hr Housing available
Visit our website, email or call 218-388-2275for more information and an application.