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Camping Cousins (58 photos)

Chef Billy

Relax day 5

Fishing from camp

Day 4 sunset Glass water

One last try

Eagles Nest

Center of tree has eagles nest

Eddy falls

Eddy Falls

Camp 1429 SAK 2

Fire grate

Camp 1429 SAK


Bald eagles yes 2

Bald eagles

Sunset day4

Thunder Points little bro

This is the view from the top of the steep hill behind camp. The campsite is centered in the trees below

Headed back day 4

We got one on the stringer

Bonnie Lake fishing

Yep the fish won and took a lot of our gear

Beaver lodge across the lake.

See title

Day trippin 4

Headed to Bonnie Lake from camp

Night by the campfire

Nightfall day 2

Subtle sunset colors

Camp two

Second night camp

The camp site that we decided to stay at for several days. Camp area is in the trees behind the hanging food. Bonus terrace area on the left

A weeks supply of fuel

This is our fuel supply that got attacked by a rouge rock

East side of Big Knife Portage

The last portage of the day and our only time across the border. a 70 rod walk in Canada

Quick lunch

We stop to eat lunch at the end of a portage. I know now that's a no no but there was nobody coming behind us

Birch Lake

Off into the wilderness

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