In Search of Lost Hope - A PMA Crossing (12 photos)
Bushwhacking Hurts Sometimes
A Particularly Tough Bushwhack After Maniwaki
Bushwhacking Hurts Sometimes
A Particularly Tough Bushwhack After Maniwaki
Hope Lake
The First Glimmers of Hope
A Hard Earned Sunset
A Sunset from our campsite on Fishdance
Maniwaki Falls
That's Going to Take A Portage!
Final Bushwhack of the Day
Steep Descent to the Straightaway
Steep Descent down the Crumbling Rock Face to the Straightaway
Andek Lake
Finally Paddling Open Water Across Andek Lake
Andek Creek
Finally Wide Enough to Paddle!
Chickadee Lake
At long last, Chickadee Lake
Steep Descent
Look for a slight glimmer of green royalex way up at the top of the ridge as Lil' Grumpy works his way to the beaver pond
Hog Creek
A post-8:00 start at Hog Creek