First BWCA Camping Trip - August 2010 (28 photos)
Campsite Location on Lake One
Rest Stop
Zulu and Freddie
Departing Camp
Canoe is pointed toward exit with a 25mph tailwind
Filtering Water
Filtering Water
Going through plenty of water with temperatures in the mid 80's
Fishing and Reading
Shore Fishing Near Confusion Lake Portage
Fishing near the Confusion Lake Portage
Evening Paddle
Evening Wind
Lake One Points
Tent Area
Camp Landing
84 degrees in the shade
Shade was at a premium on this 84 degree day
Wood Harvest
Breezy Point Camp
Cooking Breakfast
Breakfast Preparation
Firegrate Licking Freddie
"What makes you think I was licking the bottom of the firegrate?"
First BWCA Fire
Evening Fire
Lake One Campsite #1147 Looking Northeast