BWCA Spring 2008 (43 photos)
Q. Cherry Lake
Dd. RainbowRockCloseup
zR. Waiting for the tow boat on Sucker Lake
zQ. The portage to Bonnie Lake
zP. Eddy Falls
zO. View from Toe Lake campsite
zN. Toe Lake campsite
zM. Toe Lake campsite smallmouth
zL. Another Knife Lake walleye
zK. Knife Lake walleye
zJ. Downpour on Toe Lake
zI. Waterfalls on Hanson portage
zH. Giant twin cedars on Hanson portage
zG. Root ball on Hanson Lake
zF. Nawakwa Lake
zE. Burn on Fish Lake
zD. Loon on Link Lake
zC. Entering narrows to Pitfall PMA
zB. Hanson Lake
zA. Group photo on Cherry Lake
X. Lunar Lake
W. Fishing spider
V. Spillway from Lunar Lake
U. Cliffs on Cherry Lake