Another Nine Days in Quetico (45 photos)
Zzz. 2009 Quetico full route
Zz. 2009 Quetico canoe route
F. Campfire on William
Z. Mr.Barley enjoying the ride
Y. Joe and Moose Plums
X. Loon River tow
W. Beatty Portage
V. Randy (The Rocket) Stern
Uu. Curtain Falls
U. Crossing a glassy Argo II
T. Crossing a glassy Argo
S. Group photo on Argo
R. Campfire on Argo
Q. Brent Lake walleye
Pp. Red squirrel on McIntyre campsite
P. Pink Lady's Slipper on McIntyre-2
Oo. Pink Lady's Slipper on McIntyre-1
O. Message jar on McIntyre Lake
Nn. Loons on McIntyre Lake
N. McIntyre Laker
Mm. Fish tacos for lunch
M. Trout fingers
Ll. The living and the dead - McIntyre Lake
Kk. Early morning fog on McIntyre