Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

first time to Lac La Croix
by haro1

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 05/23/2008
Entry & Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 2
Day 4 of 4
Monday, May 26, 2008 Its still raining in between mild and steady. We choose to pack up in the rain and try to get to the river before the already 2 foot swells get any worse. We could see the mouth of the river but the waves and wind were going at a bit more south east then our direct route. After we push off it only took one wave to crash over the side of the canoe to figure we had to ride the waves in their direction and then when close to the far shoreline, make a quick maneuver back into the waves up the shoreline to the river. Drifting along ruddering the stern at a break neck pace, we plan our maneuver. NOW, we make a sharp turn and before we could get turned around we were pushed into the rocky shoreline under a over hanging tree. In a state of panic, keeping the kevlar off of the rocks, we contemplate staying there or make a run. We made a run. Angling at the waves we stay close to shore and make slow way towards the river mouth. The whole time my eyes were on the right side middle wall of the canoe, adjusting paddling and direction in order to keep anymore waves from coming over. As we get to the mouth, two fishermen were on shore waiting and asking if we had seen a white canoe on the lake. Then the one says, "looked like you were in for a wild ride." Smiling and shaking our heads we continued on in the calm Nina moose river. We must have been taking our time site seeing things we missed on the way in because from that point on to the last portage to the parking lot, we let pass and rode with about 4 groups of people. The moose river had dropped about a foot since the day we started. Rocks showing out of the water made one area a bit tricky. It was nice to be back at the parking lot with surprisingly Zero pain in my back, but it was also sad our trip was over. This was a great 4 day trip. It would have been better if it was 14 days. I will come back to Lac La Croix many more trips in the future. I hope this trip report wasn't too drawn out or too many photos. But I had a fun time reminiscing about our trip and glad to share. The trip to Tiger bay can be done a bit faster and easier as long as everyone is in shape and not hurt.