Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Mom's first trip: LIS North out EP16
by Badgerboy

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/30/2009
Entry Point: Little Indian Sioux River (north) (EP 14)
Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)  
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 4
Day 5 of 6
Saturday, July 04, 2009 We slept late and had a leisurely breakfast. The weather was awesome and we were all in shorts and t-shirts. Not a bug to be seen! We decided to do some swimming and take some pictures. We got some great shots of the boys jumping off a rock and also some cool “walking on water” pics not far from the campsite.

We had a small lunch and realized that there really wasn’t anything left for dinner, not sure how that happened, so we headed out to try and catch some grub. Based upon our previous fishing experience on the trip we really weren’t too concerned. Maureen and Keegan came across a huge snapping turtle that was fine with having its picture taken. They later saw another snapper, twice the size they claim, who was a bit less photogenic as it “scurried” away before Maureen could get the camera out of her pocket.

Somewhere around 5p we checked in with each other and realized that nobody had caught any fish worth keeping and unless we wanted to eat we better get busy. Raleigh and headed out and he worked his magic shortly and landed a couple of nice pike that were delicious when cooked over the camp fire.

Knowing that we had a REALLY long day in front of us tomorrow we started packing up Saturday evening so that Sunday am we could paddle out very early. The only bad news for the day was that Maureen dropped our pocket digital camera in the lake before quickly rescuing it. I quickly removed the batteries and memory card and set it aside for the rest of the trip. Once we got back to Apple Valley I was able to confirm the pictures on the card were all ok and the camera appears to function now that we are back home in Georgia. I still had my DSLR in the Pelican case so we could still take pics. We got all the early preparations done quickly and enjoyed a beautiful sunset on our last night out.