Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

First Solo
by Merganser

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/11/2009
Entry & Exit Point: Mudro Lake (EP 23)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 1
Day 6 of 6
Saturday, August 15, 2009

I get up at 4:50 and hastily start packing up my hammock. I get everything organized and loaded into the packs, except for my camp tarp. That I tightend up just as it started to rain. I sit under the tarp in my rain gear having some breakfast. As soon as it lets up I take the camp tarp down and shove off. Its 6:45.

I stick within a few minutes of shore all the way out of Fourtown. There is just a bit of breeze now and no more rain. It actually clears up nicely as I am exiting.

The short portage out of Fourtown, especially the initial vertical up the rockface is a real exercise in foot placment. It's possible to walk along the river bed and avoid this climb but I'm up to the climb.

A short paddle and I am standing on the south end of the rocky 125 rod portage. This portage has some very pretty scenery, all the portages south of Fourtown do, but you have to be mind full of your footing all the way. It seems longer than its stated length but I attribute that to shorter steps needed to keep footing.

Another short paddle and I reach the 30 rod portage into Mudro. The landing on the north side is literally a rock field. The portage is rocky but very scenic. I cross it, pausing to snap a couple pictures.

I paddle across Mudro. The skies are mostly clear now and there is a slight breeze. As I head up the narrows toward the entry I switch back to freestyle strokes and reflect on my journey. I feel a deep feeling of accomplishment. I've conquered the wilderness on my own and I know I will be back to do it gain.

I arrive at the landing and take the 30rod walk down the sandy trail to the parking lot. It is 9:58 when I cross the portage for the final time and mark the official end of my trip.

There is a weak cell signal from the parking lot. I cannot make a call out but I text my wife and let her know I'm OK. Then I put the factory seat back in to the canoe and get my gear loaded up. I have some clean dry clothes in the car so I change and pull out of the parking lot.

I drive back into Ely and drop the canoe at Piragis where I explain my incident with the portage yoke. They are quite impressed with my repair job but I still have to pay for the Yoke. They are nice and only charge me their cost. I take the broken yoke home, I'll get a new piece of wood and repair it for my own solo canoe someday.

I pop across the street to a little shop and get and iced late to start the drive home. On 35 I hit a chunk of asphalt that's sticking up a blow a tire. Kind of mood killer, good thing I checked my spare before I left. I get that changed and continue on.

On my way back in to Apple Valley I made a quick stop at "wing night" to say hi to very one and let bit of my excitement spill out. I was so pumped! Great way to cap off a trip.

I'm already pondering my route for next year's solo.

Portage out of Fourtown.

Along the long portage.

Very scenic spot on the portage into Mudro.

Journeys end.