Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

The First of Many
by Camp Cook

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/03/2009
Entry & Exit Point: Little Indian Sioux River (north) (EP 14)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 4
Day 5 of 6
Friday, August 07, 2009 Day 4; Friday, August 7th ’09; Fishing and whatnot

The lake was blanketed in mist and the sky was overcast so we stayed in our sleeping bags just a little bit longer than we otherwise would have. I asked the kids if the still felt homesick and they both replied “home-what… can we go fishing today?”

Breakfast was oatmeal with strong black coffee and tea and after clean up we set off to fish our bay. I set Ollie up with a 3” Gulp minnow and Emma with a 4” Gulp smelt. Gramps brought his fly rod and was throwing a Dahlberg Diver at submerged timber. In short order, Emma added a feisty 15ish sized walleye to the stringer.

We stopped to check out the 8 rod portage and adjacent camp site and did some more fishing from shore without luck.

Back at camp, goofing off was on order. Fishing from shore, lying in the sun, lounging in the hammock and “hunting beavers” with bow and arrow.

Ollie has completely overcome his fear of the thunder box and visits even if just to pee. The Luke Skywalker bobblehead and ford tractor with front end loader both found their useful places in our routine and a care could not be found with a magnifying glass.

Much later in the afternoon, Ollie and I went on a fishing excursion and added a 20ish” walleye to the stringer.

Dinner tonight was mac and cheese and fried fish. Butch, Ollie and I all had three helpings. Emma, always the responsible diner, was full after one. Another camp fire and cigar and a few more sips of whiskey. We all retired to the tents under overcast skys and light sprinkles. I read the greatest book ever written (an illustrated review of construction trucks) to Ollie for the third night in a row… Emma tolerated it, have I mentioned that she’s a trooper.