Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

The Wabakimi Project - The Ultimate Portage Clearing Trip!
by OneMatch

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/07/2010
Entry Point: Other
Exit Point: Other  
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 4
Part 6 of 6
Short Conclusion

By week’s end, our schedule wound up as: Saturday, Day 1 - fly in to Elf Lake Campsite, lunch and an afternoon clearing Sunday, Day 2 - Clear and measure a previously flagged trail Monday, Day 3 - Paddle to Granite Falls doing small clearing work and         Campsite Inventory on the way. Camp on the northeast         Side of Grantie Lake Tuesday, Day 4 - Campsite Inventory of the east side of Granite Lake while on the way         To set up new camp on the south end of the lake. (We also found          -and waypointed-two fishing posts) Wednesday, Day 5 – Rainbound in camp. When the rain cleared in late afternoon, Ray          And I paddled to investigate some cliffs and look for the blazes for          A trail (we found it). Thursday, Day 6 - Walk, flag, waypoint and measure a 1700 meter portage trail. Friday, Day 7 - Search and flag two 200 meter trails Saturday – Exchange crews and fly out.

There is some controversy surrounding Phil and the Wabakimi Project. I can understand that considering his "full speed ahead" mission and the new superintendent's idea of what to accomplish there. However, after this experience I totally support what Phil is doing. I wouldn’t even think of paddling Wabakimi without having the information that he has meticulously accumulated the last 7 years and has done so without any profit and at times with some measurable hardships.

I am proud to be Volunteer # 117 and I foresee a day when someone will ask me what it was like to paddle with Phil Cotton.

Thanks for coming along. I have lots of other tidbits, stories and information about this trip and welcome your comments and questions!
