Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

South Hegman
by SevenofNine

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 09/03/2010
Entry & Exit Point: South Hegman Lake (EP 77)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 3
Day 3 of 4
Sunday, September 05, 2010

Our final full day we had the warmest day of the trip. The chattering squirrels run like a herd of buffalo past the outside of our tent as soon as sunrise hits. Not at all possible to sleep with that racket going on.

The three of us set out to look for some firewood because some of us (not me) thought we needed more firewood. After we ate breakfast we paddled the short distance to the hill near our campsite to explore. It was a moss covered hill and we were not the first visitors to scout for wood. I don't know if we had enough but we didn't find anything decent on our hikes up the first bluff across from our campsite. People obviously had the same idea as us as you can see cut trees.

We hiked to the top of the hill and looked out onto the lake. It was nice and I enjoyed the view. We hiked until the trail ended and turned back for a second look out on the lake.

We headed over to Nels creek to see if we might pass through to Nels lake. No such luck here. Hegman drops into the creek and it was very rocky and full of twists and turns from what we could see from shore. The channel was not navigable by canoe from what I could see. My friend and my wife weren't really motivated to go further and I didn't push the issue.

We then toured the back bay of S. Hegman to look at the other campsite. We were lucky in our choice of campsite as it sheltered us from the NW wind/rain so the other campsite would have been a tough place to be on the first day. The campsite was occupied so we didn't paddle very close.

My wife and I decided we wanted to take the long paddle to a very long hike to Angleworm lake. My friend decided he wanted to swim and collect firewood. So we parted company back at the campsite after we picked up some water and snack bars.

The portage, 1.3 miles over rough trail to Angleworm was quite hard and we were exhausted when we reached the lake. There much wasn't much nice about this section of trail as a lot of it was closed in and we had a large section of swamp mud to negotiate.

We hiked to the second campsite on the west side of Angleworm and looked out on the lake. Both of us were really tired and we ate a Cliff bar and a fruit bar to get some energy back into us. We climbed down to the lake and got water.

Someone left clothing hanging from a tree and I noticed a scarf with Santa Claus on it hanging. Who knows how long that scarf and clothing had been there but we didn't have anything to put it in to take it out so we left it for its owner to return and retrieve it.

Our long hike back was unadventurous thankfully and we made it back safe to the canoe that no one touched. The wife and I bonded on that hike and as hard as it was I'm glad we did it.

Of course that was followed by the paddle back to the campsite but at least the wind was mostly calm. This time we negotiated the lakes and portages without the map and spotted the pictographs again. Lots of traffic on the lake this day but no issues.

We got back to the campsite only to find our friend fast asleep from a long swim and a big day of collecting firewood. Turns out he was exhausted and slightly hypothermic when he finished his swim. If you don't know Scott, you don't know the length of his swims. I'm talking half a mile swims to the opposite shore followed by a swim across the bay to a peninsula just for the fun of it.

We made a cooking fire because it was getting later in the evening and clouds were moving in so it felt like night was coming on quick. What a fire, with Scott having collected tons of wood we made a massive cooking fire. That night we had a great night fire as well. It was sad to think that we would be leaving the next day. We were a bit bummed that Scott was too tired to join us that night but I think he almost killed himself swimming.

We took down the tarp since the sky is clear and I want things put away dry before we head out tomorrow. It's supposed to rain tomorrow but I hope it stays dry enough for us to get to the car since it's a very short paddle in from the back bay. We packed up loose items of everyones and placed them away or near tents for easy retrieval.