Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

10 days in the Q, One of Many Blessings
by Oneofmanyblessings

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/25/2010
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 10
Group Size: 6
Day 10 of 10
Tuesday, August 03, 2010 Six am wake up call again, and we were on the water by 7. We meandered down the Pickerel River into French lake when we passed a couple just heading out into the backcountry. After giving the 30 second fish and weather report, we tell them we hope the weather’s great for them too. A loon swims near to say his goodbyes, and eagle soars overhead, and finally a beaver slaps his tale as we drift past. A perfect send off. We made it back to the take out by 9:10. 10 minutes after getting our canoes up the hill to the car we are pelted with hail, wind and a cascading downpour. It lasted about 20 minutes and was gone and was as quiet as before it hit. We loaded the two canoes onto the van and stacked our stuff onto the hitch haul. We were barely out onto the paved road heading for the border before the kids were snoring. Besides a small delay with a traffic jam at the border it was a smooth trip back home arriving about 11:30pm.
Unload, crawl into bed, and dream of the next trip to the Q with great friends and family. Thanks to our loving understanding wives who allowed us to experience this great adventure. Until next time.