Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

10 days in the Q, One of Many Blessings
by Oneofmanyblessings

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/25/2010
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 10
Group Size: 6
Day 5 of 10
Thursday, July 29, 2010

We wake to a beautiful fog covered morning. It came in and out for the first few hours of the morning shrouding the shore it its eerie mist.

This was going to be an easy day. We pushed off with the intention of fishing our way back to Blueberry island. The bass and pike are biting, but nothing hot and heavy like we were looking for. We got into the Maligne River, and almost every eddy had active fish. The bait of choice: a wacky Senko. My daughter got this nice one, about 4-5 lbs, but wouldn’t hold her. Since I didn’t get any this big, she allowed me to pose for the picture.
The girls, all of us actually, got a kick out of the pike attacking the hooked smallies. Occasionally one might stay in the water a minute longer just to see if anyone was lurking in the shadows. The little island at the end of the river was a nice place to catch more fish and take a little break to stretch the legs. This island had blueberries, raspberries and black berries. From there we pushed on to Blueberry Island to set up camp for the night. There was a nice active yellow jacket nest right at the base of the tree that our tent was pitched by. Thankfully, they did not care about us. . The flies were also very bad on this day. The fishing on the island wasn’t as good as it was the day we passed by, but we made do. Another nice bass for my niece on a wacky worm
and a treat of watching a pair of otters looking in on their kits, we think. We could hear them calling to each other and going in and out of the crevices. We spent about 15 minutes watching them play. It was a beautiful night as we paddled to the mainland shore in search of fish. We had a nice relaxing paddle, but not many fish.