Mudro to Crooked Big Fun One One
by Rugbyguy
After a fairly lackluster Thursday, we decided to fish our way back toward the falls and see if we could find some more active fish. Andy landed 18 pound pike top water which was his personal best, so the travel was worth it. We aimed for campsite 1865, but it was taken so we paddled on to the next available which was 1550. After eating a late lunch/early dinner we hit the water to do some more fishing.
The water was perfectly calm and begging to be pelted with top water lures. We arrived to our first bay and had a huge blowup immediately. Fish on! A little while later a 21” smallie would make it into our canoe. My new personal best! A couple high fives and some photos and she gave us a nice splash on the release. The evening produced a couple more bass and some small pike.