Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

What Vestibule?
by realandrea

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/18/2011
Entry & Exit Point: Snowbank Lake (EP 27)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 3
Trip Introduction:
This was the third trip to BWCA we've done together as family: myself, my brother Greg and for the first time, my younger cousin Anthony. We may still have a ton to learn to improve on our trips, but we have fun and try to make this look good!
Day 1 of 6
Saturday, June 18, 2011

I guess you could say the trip North began after first fishing the keys to the car out of my Mom's rhubarb. To make a long story short, we borrowed a vehicle that had just come from the shop since the last family trip we took ended up with me leaving my dead engined car (I was assured by the mechanic it was simply the old girl's time to go) in a mountain town in Idaho. May it rest in peace! 

After getting the other two party members and packing the last of our stuff, we got a relatively early start Saturday and put in at Snowbank lake. There were a ton of EPs to choose from, but this is the point from which I took my first BWCA trip so many years ago. I musta thought, heck, since this is Anthony's first trip, why not burn out his shoulder muscles paddling across a huge lake right from the word go? It was interesting having somebody brand spanking new along because we take a lot of things for granted now that we didn't really appreciate before.

With a few portages and lakes behind us, we got in a tiny bit of fishing. In the past we did a lot of paddling which I love and am happy with, but I was bent of doing a considerable amount of fishing this time to see just what was in those lakes. Anthony cast in between some downed trees and a Northern struck repeatedly, missed, and ended up with my lure in his mouth. I wanted to keep and eat everything but we still had a bit of a ways to go and the guys had a healthy dislike of the Y bone potential. It went untested, but I think I can filet them out..

We paddled through Disappointment, that night we slept on Jordan and woke up the next morning to rain.