Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

This Ain't no Fairy Tale! - July 2011 BWCA
by IndyScouters

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/03/2011
Entry & Exit Point: Lizz and Swamp Lakes (EP 47)
Number of Days: 9
Group Size: 6
Day 5 of 9
Day five - Tuesday - July 5 - Started out gathering up all the clothes that had been blown down the night before as we had coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. The weather started out pretty breezy and the water was fairly choppy so we figured this would be a good day to stay near this camp and not take any big day trips. We went fishing, again not much catching, but we had fun. Got to enjoy the benefits of this site - we had a nice bay on one side and a large island in front that had a tall tree that had an eagle perched in it most of the week, perfect trees down the latrine trail for the Bear bags and a nice fire pit. Lunch was interesting, we had tuna and crackers, candy bars or PB&J on flat bread. The funny part was, Justin had said through all the planning that he would not eat tuna - yeah right, he ended up eating about half of my tuna, he complained about every bite but he polished off half, so I don't think it was that bad, it was "Boundary Waters Good"! After lunch we did the normal chores, gather water for the filter, firewood, pick up and dry wet clothes, take a dip in the lake, rinse out clothes, just stuff that you normally do in camp. for dinner we had thin crust pizza and pizza burritos that we baked in a foil covered pizza box we had brought just for this meal. Honestly, the pizza was as good as any pizza restaurant could have made, it was awesome - thin and crunchy crust with a great cheesy peperoni top and the burritos were great as well. If that wasn't good enough we had Krispy Kreme cherry pies wrapped in foil and placed on the coals of the fire for desert - yeah one of my two favorite deserts in the world - Hot or Cold! so with the food induced coma some of us took a nap. Had a great sunset with a lot less wind this night. Turned out to be a great day.