Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Dads and Daughters Do the Quetico Thing
by cptrea

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/12/2011
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 4
Day 7 of 7
Day 7: Sunday July 17

During the flight home I asked Elissa what she thought about the trip and she offered the following observations:

1. Canadian fish slime smells the same as Florida fish slime.

2. She accomplished the bloodsucker slam, having experienced mosquitos, black flies, deer flies, ticks (she found one crawling on her pants leg) and a leech. (Author’s note: in the space of 24 hours the leech incident graduated from being “gross” to being brag-worthy)

3. It was no wonder that we never saw a moose, a bear, a wolf or any other “major” wildlife during our trip since my snoring at night was loud enough to scare away anything within miles of our campsite

4. My tackle bag might, just might, have been a case of overkill. (Another author’s note: upon our return I did a post-trip weigh-in and discovered that I’d returned with 14 pounds of tackle)

5. And the best comment of all: She wants to do the trip again!