Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Four guys and a pit bull in the BWCA.
by coachjeff

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/13/2011
Entry & Exit Point: East Bearskin Lake (EP 64)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 4
Day 5 of 5
Wednesday, August 17, 2011. Sadly, we awoke to our departure from this wonderful campsite, but the sunrise couldn't have been better.
We packed up our gear and sadly left our perfect campsite, heading to east bearskin for one more night, and then on the road back to Chicago. Once in the canoes, we noticed the winds were picking up, A LOT. Fortunate for us, we had a lot of tree cover, and our desired campsite was available and painless to get to. Upon arriving at this campsite, it wasn't great, but suitable for one night. Once we set up shop, the winds picked up. White caps and no condition for anyone to be in a boat. We were 3 miles from the East Bearskin Lodge. Apparently, 7 of their guests rented three canoes and decided it would be a good idea to venture out in these hazardous conditions. We witnessed one of the canoes flip both passengers into the water. Eventually, we played host to all 7 stranded guests after assisting them to our site(we got kinda wet). Two of them attempted to paddle back to get help. Failing miserably at first, they were eventually able to get to help. After a couple of hours of entertaining our new friends(they loved Delphi), a motor boat from the lodge arrived to rescue them. The guy in the motor boat was astounded by the fact that they got to our campsite, he turned out to be the owner. He thanked us and offered us a free shower in his lodge's bath house once we exited the next day. After all of the excitement for the day, we made dinner and hit the hay, planning on an early start the next day. Sure enough, Geoffrey woke me up at 5:00am. We packed up and got to our exit point at 8:30am. We then headed to the lodge for our free shower. it was AWESOME! We thanked the lodge and they thanked us, and then we got in the car and headed home. About 3 hours into the drive back home we stopped for a burger and a beer in Minong. The beer was good, but the burger was mediocre. After another 9 hours(Juice forgot he was suppose to follow the GPS, and set us a little off course), we made it back home. I think we were all ready to get away from each other, but as i look back on it, a connection grew between the four of us(even the dog).
The BWCA is an amazing place that that cannot be appreciated until visited. Sure there are bloodsucking bird-size mosquitoes and flies, but there are also amazing experiences to be had here.