Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

EP 30 to EP 27 Loop Solo
by ADKcanoe

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/13/2012
Entry Point: Lake One (EP 30)
Exit Point: Snowbank Lake (EP 27)  
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 1
Day 3 of 4
Friday, June 15, 2012 - Thank goodness, a dry day. Wind was still up from the south. Dried all my clothes out, and packed up, in the canoe by 7:30. The two long portages from Boulder to Cup Lake took about an hour and a half. I two-triped all of them except a couple tricky sections where I three- trip portaged. After this slog of more than 250 rods, the rest of the portages on the trip where a piece of cake. This was a narrow path - lots of ticks. Each pass I'd pick a couple off me, despite Bens' 100% Deet. In this section I saw signs of recent moose and bear activity, but didn't see any creatures. I was elated to get to Cup. The little lakes of Cup, Roe, Sagus, and Shepo where delightful. Mental note - Sagus would be a nice destination to camp. The wind from the south was 10 - 15, so crossing Fraser and Thomas I stuck to the south shore where ever possible. I pulled into Ima about 4:00 and sure enough all the campsites I had targeted where full. I pulled into Alworth Lake and had this gem to myself. I camped on the island. Lots of bird activity, noisy loons, and a beautiful sunset. Went for a swim, and had a nice dinner of beef stroganoff with a couple glasses of red wine. Note- you can actually paddle from Ima to Alworth avoiding a portage here.