Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

first solo
by nicole

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/14/2013
Entry & Exit Point: Lizz and Swamp Lakes (EP 47)
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 1
Day 6 of 7
Monday, August 19, 2013

Today I'm up again at sunrise. I quickly do my camp chores, breakfast, meditation, etc. I head out to Caribou and maybe Meeds to scope things out. I make it to Caribou and am moved to paddle over to a campsite there. It's a site my mom told me to look for that she had stayed at years ago. I'm convinced it's the same site. I brought a tarp with me so I set it up to hold the site.

I paddle back to my camp to collect my things. My tent pole snaps in the meantime tearing my rainfly. Oops. I'm resourceful so I fix the pole with a kit that comes with the tent. After that, it's nothing duct tape can't fix in the meantime.

I get to the campsite at Caribou and it is heavenly. There are raspberries and rosehips all around me. I collect some of both. I take a skinny dip, make rosehip tea, and lounge in my hammock eating raspberries, drinking tea, and reading Rumi. I am in heaven. I have a fire and watch the full moon rise over the lake. This is the best day yet.