Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

2013 BWCA Solo
by boonie

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/31/2013
Entry & Exit Point: Kawishiwi Lake (EP 37)
Number of Days: 15
Group Size: 1
Day 9 of 15
Sunday, September 8, 2013: It’s a cool, slightly foggy morning when I have the urge to get up and go early in the morning. It’s a beautiful morning and I am lazy - enjoying coffee, breakfast, and views from the rocks east of camp. Despite getting up early, I don’t get on the water until 9:30. I run into a pair of trippers and their dog on the 127-rod portage out of Koma, and I inform them of the dog warning on Malberg.

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I paddle into a good headwind today and arrive at Lake Polly around noon. The campsite I used the first night on Polly is occupied, so I paddle south and take the next one. I’ll probably be here two nights since the forecast is a 70% chance of thunderstorms tonight through Monday night, so I need to get a good tarp set up and batten down the hatches. This is an OK site, but probably not the greatest for sitting out a big storm – none of the tent pads look like they’ll drain exceptionally well.

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I have lunch, set up camp, and paddle down the east shoreline into the southeast bay of Lake Polly. I discover there’s another campsite on the southeast shore; the McKenzie map only shows one, but both are shown on the Fisher and Voyageur maps. I see more people today on Polly than I’ve seen in all the time since I left Polly on day two.

The evening is cloudy and still – the calm before the storm – and I have Hawk Vittles’ Beef Stew for dinner before the mosquitos drive me into the tent early.