Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

15 Day Solo Trip LIS North
by egknuti

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/05/2014
Entry Point: Little Indian Sioux River (north) (EP 14)
Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)  
Number of Days: 15
Group Size: 1
Day 12 of 15
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Another cold night. Today I pack up for a day trip up though Rocky, Green and into Pekan Lake. The sun is shining at the temperature is rising. Finally a warm day. The two groups that were here last night have already departed as I paddle my way to the portage. There is loon I stop to photograph. He seems unconcerned at my presence. I nearly collide with him as I snap a few pictures. There are some Loons that won't let you get within a certain distance before diving and other Loons that seem to welcome your presence.

I've traveled through Rocky before but have failed to notice the pictographs. This time I'm determined to find them. As I look upon them, I am struck with a strange feeling. Most pictographs are located on main routes. Why here, I wonder? There are certainly other rock faces on the lake more visible to travelers. I decide to leave some tobacco just to be safe. Rocky and Green have some really nice old White Pine Stands. I always take time to marvel at the beauty of those trees.

It takes me a while to find the portage into Pekan as the water levels have hidden the white boulder that I landed on some years ago. I've walked in to Pekan but have never been on the lake. Today I plan to see if there are any fish is the lake. It's a short portage and I'm greeted by a loon pair who seem unconcerned at my presence. I don't catch anything but I do notice some small minnows swimming around. It's peaceful as I paddle around the lake. I try to photograph the loons but they have other ideas so I decide to head back to Green and fish my way back to the portage. Surprisingly, I have encountered no one else today.

I fish my way back on Oyster but catch nothing. Although I'm disappointed about fishing, that wasn't my goal today.I have dinner and start a fire. Another beautiful sunset on Oyster. No one else is camped on the lake tonight and once again, the lake is all mine. As I go to sleep I hear two owls hooting in the distance. I know in some cultures seeing or hearing owls is a bad omen. I hope it's a good omen.