Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

by stevekw

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/09/2014
Entry & Exit Point: Saganaga Lake Only (EP 55A)
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 2
Trip Introduction:
Just back from 7 day trip, gosh it was awesome.
We used Voyager Outfitters, while they were awesome in most ways, I would double check each and every piece of equipment and food stuffs, as I feel a few errors were made (wet damp matches were included, none dry enough to use). This is not a review of Voyager, this is just a suggestion.

Towed to American Point, then set sail for Cherry Lake, did someone say the portage from Hanson to Cherry was rough? I would double down on that, that was work.

Had Cherry Lake to ourselves for the most part. What a beautiful spot. Caught so many small mouth it got boring. We left there and headed to Otterack. Had a beautiful campsite with again tremendous fishing.

It was a great trip, though the portages were hard (Saganaga-Ester, Hanson-Cherry). I would do it reverse next time and skip those two portages.

Saganaga Lake, Ester Lake, Hanson Lake, Cherry Lake, Topaz Lake, Amoeber Lake, South Arm Knife Lake, Ottertrack Lake

Lakes Traveled:   Saganaga Lake, Ester Lake, Hanson Lake, Cherry Lake, Topaz Lake, Amoeber Lake, South Arm Knife Lake, Ottertrack Lake,