Mudro - Jackfish Bay - Basswood River - Crooked - Gun - Mudro
by cyclones30
Trip Type:
Paddling Canoe
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Entry & Exit Point:
Mudro Lake (EP 23)
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Day 2 of 7
Monday, August 18, 2014 Woke up to a lot of fog and haze (common theme this week) and got the long portage out of the way while picking blueberries along the way. My wife wanted to try carrying the canoe so she got it on the following 2 portages which ended up being 2 of the harder for their length. She did extremely well. Lunch below lower falls was good. Mist turned to light rain by the time we saw the picto’s and then harder rain by table rock. We were looking for sites but didn’t like what we’d seen to that point. We ended up in the Wed. Bay area and wet. Good thing I ordered a CCS tarp a month ago. Basswood Lake, Crooked Lake
Lakes Traveled:
Basswood Lake,
Crooked Lake,