Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Flirting with Wabakimi
by FOG51

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 09/16/2014
Entry & Exit Point: Other
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 1
Day 4 of 4
Friday, September 19, 2014

Got up Friday morning and it was thundering, lightning, raining hard enough to drown a duck if it would have been outside. I sat under the rain fly from 7 a.m. until almost 10 a.m. and watched it blow and rain. Wind from the SE was really strong, 6-8 inch white caps everywhere. About 11 am the wind laid down some, no white caps but still lots of waves so I headed home. As long as the rain came down the wind wasn't bad but when the wind let up the wind howled. According to my GPS during the rain I was traveling 3.0-3.2 mph. When the wind came up I dropped to 1.2-1.5 and a couple of times the GPS showed -.2 which I assumed meant I was actually going backwards. I had to stop 3 times and bail the rainwater out of the canoe. From my camp on Wapi to the bottom of the Harmon portage it took 8.5 hours of the hardest paddling that I have ever done. I had to use my headlamp to portage out. The trip back to the Kings highway south of Graham was really long, never got above 25 mph, so foggy I had to stop at times to let the fog thin out so I can see to drive. I've never driven that road in the dark and not sure I want to again. Drove straight through till 5 am and slept at a rest stop just north of the Twin Cities. Got home and slept for 2 hours. Got up and set up the tent to dry in the yard, washed my pre soaked clothes and threw them in the dryer. Took a quick shower and got to the farm in Iowa, about an hour ahead of my Navy son who came home on leave.